Chapter 5: The Monster

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As more bodies have turned up missing, the factory had to shut down in 1931 due to the incidents. Detective Darby wouldn't give up in finding out who the killer, he knew it had something to do with that owner. He had talked with Edward Debner because he called the police about an attack on his mother in law Malinda Harvey. Shame what happened to her and how his daughter went missing shortly after. The stuffed toy most likely had something to with it.
Meanwhile, Edward had a feeling about where his child really went. Then went off to the factory to get his daughter back, no matter what. Beforehand, Jason had given Edward a set of spare keys to the place where he'll be able to go to places to do daily repairs and what not, Edward had been a fellow that Jason trusted.
Edward used the keys to open the doors and stepped inside. "Molly?! It's daddy! Where are you at?!" He yelled into the vast empty facility and began to venture on in. The place looked a lot more creepy when there weren't any employees around, it was eerily quiet too. He looked around and paused when he heard something... a sound that was...
"Why, hello, Mr. Debner!" A pleasant and familiar voice greeted him. Edward turned and saw Jason standing there, he backed away slowly and paused to look at his former boss.
"M-Mr. Meyer, I didn't see you there..I uh..." he looked at Jason's appearance. He looked different, his hair was longer, he had strange markings under his left eye and around his neck, his smiled was unnervingly warm, as if trying to hide something.
"So what are you doing here, dear man, come to get your last paycheck before it closes down for good?" Jason asked casually as if he weren't responsible for dozens of disappearances and deaths. "Um no actually I came to...I came to find something of mine that I think might still be here." He replied, well it was technically true. Jason smiled more and nodded, "I understand, I'll let you find what you need so I can lock up the place for good." Jason said and Edward held his breath as he walked off. Once he was far enough, he began to search the rooms in hopes to find his daughter. Just then, Edward heard something like humming coming from somewhere. He ran to the source and found his daughter lying there on the floor, "Molly! Molly! Is that you?" He yelled and frantically ran to her. The closer Edward got, the more he saw...this wasn't his daughter anymore. She looked to be that of an elegant doll, lifeless and beautiful. Edward staggered back and began to cry. Never had he seen anything like this before...was she still alive though?
"She's not dead if that's what you're thinking, Mr. Debner." Jason said as if reading his thoughts. "W-What did you do to my child!?" Edward said and turned around quickly. Jason looked at Edward calmly and smiled. "Isn't she lovely? I made her better...perfect, I told her we were friends but she just kept calling for daddy to find her so I had to keep her quiet somehow." Jason said with an edge of something that seemed so cold to his voice. Edward looked at the man in disbelief and felt a swelling sense of anger build up. "You BASTARD!!" He yelled and ran at Jason with all of his strength and might a young father would have. Jason moved quickly and grabbed Edward's wrist, twisting it to where he felt a razor sharp pain. Edward screamed out loud and was thrown to the floor. Jason then glared at Edward with beady green glowing eyes as he called out to Mr. Glutton. "Snack time!!" He called and the giant snake slowly made his way to Edward. Edward tried to keep his distance from the monstrous creature. "He loves to play, but he seems to hate you now. Thank you for turning me in to the police by the way so allow me to thank you. Good bye, Mr. Debner." Jason said and watched as his creation began to swallow Edward. Satisfied, Jason walked off without another word.

Jason the Toymaker: fanon story eventsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora