Chapter 4: The Changes

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Jason stood there deep in the factory, in his work area. He had eliminated every person who had gotten close to discovering his true intentions... too close. That detective had been wandering around outside for a week straight ever since he got back from Europe. He growled furiously and walked off, it had begun raining outside and water dripped through every nook and cranny that was around. Jason went off to continue working on a project he'd started a month prior. It was going to be the main attraction to the facility, he approached his creation that was a giant plush like snake that sat there in a corner. It was purple with colorful patches and was about seven meters long. He gently approached the being, taking out his sewing needles when suddenly he noticed some loose wires was in contact with water, the breaker room was the only place that employees don't normally go but with the electricity on, he had to turn it off so it wouldn't cause a fire hazard. Just then he got into touch with it when he thought he heard a noise, it caught him off guard and made him stumble into that very spot. Just then he felt the jolt of electricity and the buzz of pain writhed in his body as he fell on the floor, feeling his world grow dark.
Jason woke up a few hours later and groaned in pain, how was he still alive? He looked around groggily and saw that his creation was missing. He turned around when he heard hissing sounds coming from somewhere. Just then the familiar looking plush like snake came into view. "Stop! Don't hurt me!" He called out in panic and the snake stop. Jason paused, "come... forward?" He commanded awkwardly and the snake did so, stopping in front of him. "You can understand me?"
The snake nodded his head and it tipped to the side, curious about Jason as Jason was curious about him.
"Follow me then.." Jason said and the snake did so, he directed him to some bodies piled up in one corner. "Those are useless to me, can you do anything about it?" He asked and the snake hissed, approaching the bodies and began to eat them up one by one. Jason watched as the scene unfolded. "I think I'll give you a's Mr. Glutton sound?" He asked and the snake finished eating the bodies.
Jason chuckled softly and it grew to something that sounded more compared to insanity.

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