Chapter 13

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The black limousine pulls up to the driveway and Grayson opens the door for me to get in. He slides in after me, showing me a gentle smile.

"Mr. Hale, how are you this evening?" the driver asks.

"Very well, Alaric. And yourself?" Grayson replies.

"Not too bad," the driver, who I now know as Alaric, turns to me, "and who might you be?"

This man has a calm and soothing voice. He looks younger than Grayson's butler, who is anything but calm or soothing, but couldn't be and less than 40 years old.

"I-I'm Alexie," I answer shyly before internally slapping myself.

I can't help my nerves. I've never been on a real date before, especially with someone I like. And I'm wearing something I never would have thought I'd have the confidence to wear. My worries feel like their bubbling up my throat, like a tea pot seconds away from boiling over. Thankfully the bubbles settle as Grayson places his hand on mine, gripping it softly.

"He's my husband," Grayson says completely serious before breaking out into a massive grin.

I slap his arm playfully, giggling.

"We're not married, idiot," I laugh.

"Not yet anyway."

"Would you stop?" I ask jokingly.

"Well, we better get you two on your way," Alaric states, starting the car before driving down the long driveway.

The drive doesn't last long although every now and then the fear of judgement start to get to me, making it feel like time is slowing down. But every time I start bobbing my knee up and down, Grayson places his hand on my thigh and squeezes comfortingly. Every time I start to bite my nails, Grayson takes my hand and kisses it. And every time I think of giving up and going home, I look over to Grayson's smiling face and I suddenly don't have a single doubt about the night.

Soon enough the limousine pulls up in front of a beautiful looking restaurant. It's covered in little twinkling fair lights and green vines running neatly up the columns. I see some people inside and subconsciously start tugging down on my crop top. Grayson grabs my wrists to stop me and kisses my lips passionately. He doesn't let it get too heated as he pulls away just as he starts to suck on my tongue.

"You ready babe?" he asks, ready for any answer.

"Y-yeah, let's go," I reply, clearly flustered.

Grayson smiles, takes my hand in his, says thank you to Alaric, and helps me out of the car. While still holding onto him, I stand slightly behind Grayson, using him as my personal shield from prying eyes. We step into the restaurant and a sea of aromas grab my attention, causing my mouth to water. The amazing smells help me realise how hungry I am right now. A waiter with black spikey hair wearing a black tux greets us before leading us to our table. While walking through the many filled tables I expect judgemental eyes trained on me but surprisingly no one glanced more than once. No one seemed to care about the fact that I'm here with a man or that I'm wearing a crop top. We walk to an area with fewer tables, still apart of the main restaurant but a little further away from the majority of people. It's privet and there is a large window next to our table, displaying bright city lights. On the table is two fancy looking settings and multiple small candles. And not just the fake ones you get in Chinese restaurants, real, rich people candles.

"Here is your table gentlemen," the waiter explains, pulling out the chairs.

Grayson and I both seat ourselves before picking up our menus. The waiter doesn't leave and instead stands there waiting. Is he going to be like that all night? I ignore him and allow my eyes to scan the menu, but I can't process most of it. How have I not heard of almost every single one of these words?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2023 ⏰

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