Chapter 5

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Finally, after hours of tireless driving, we pull up to the house where Alexie and I will be staying for a while. I turn off the car's engine and look to Alexie. I can't help but smile at the adorable glimmer of astonishment in his perfectly blue eyes. The fact that he likes something that is mine brings me a strange sense of accomplishment. When he notices me looking at him, he turns away.

"Do you like the house?" I ask knowingly.

"I like the snow," he replies.

I chuckle and release both our seatbelts. We exit the car and I notice Alexie suspiciously looking around, probably for something he can use to get away from me.

"You can run if you want but there are no people and no shelter for miles until you reach the guards I have situated between us and civilisation. Of course they will just bring you back to me though," I inform him.

He huffs and crosses his delicate arms over his chest in a way I assume he thinks is intimidating. If only he could see what I'm seeing. He would understand that he more similarly resembles a mad kitten. I walk up to the large front doors and unlock them.

"You said house. This is more like a mansion," Alexie states from behind me.

"You're not wrong," I reply.

I've always thought that if you have money you might as well spend it. Especially if like me, you've had to work for it. To be honest I bought this place with my future husband in mind. I always planned to bring him up here for the first time to propose in the middle of winter. I guess It'll just have to be the second time I bring him here considering he's seeing it for the first time now. I push open the front doors and Alexie gasps. That seems to be most people's response to my estates.

We walk in to be met with a grand staircase leading to the top floor where most of the bedrooms are. To our right is the lounge room, to the left is the kitchen, and there are many other rooms scattered around the house.

"I am going to make dinner. Feel free to explore and make yourself at home," I tell Alexie.

"Wow I'm allowed to look around the place I'm going to be held captive for God knows how long? How incredibly generous of you," Alexie snarks.

I simply shake my head. He may not understand that this is the safest place for him but I do. And it's not like I won't let him do whatever he wants here. I can probably even take him down to the small town at the bottom of the mountain if he wants to go. Alexie stomps off dramatically and I make my way to the kitchen.

Cooking has always been a passion of mine. Unfortunately I don't get to cook for people very often. I let very few people get close enough to see this side of me and even then, I am not as open around those people as I am around Alexie.

I work on making a pasta dish for dinner and after about half an hour it's complete and all I have to do is serve it. As if on que Alexie walks into the kitchen and begrudgingly sits on a stool at the kitchen island I'm cooking on.

"I'm bored. Shouldn't my kidnapper at least have Netflix?" Alexie groans.

I chuckle at his attitude.

"I'll install it. We can make you an account. Now sit at the table, dinner's ready," I tell him.

"I'm not eating," he says defiantly.

"Alexie you have to eat."

"And you have to call me Alex but you don't seem to be understanding that very well."

His attitude is seriously making me consider throwing him over my lap and spanking him until he apologises. But it's a bit too soon for that. I place the meals at the table and pick up Alexie before sitting him down in one of the chairs.

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