23. Truth and Dare

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Silence falls in the room and then they hear it.... A crash!

Everyone gets surprised and head outside the house just to see Namjoon standing near a broken flower pot with an apologetic smile on his face.

"Namjoon hyung what-"

"I just opened the front gate and-and it just fell down and br-broke" Namjoon interrupts Jeongguk as he again shows his innocent dimple smile that makes everyone forgive him in one go.

"It's okkie Namjoon hyung come on let's get inside... "Jimin says with a smile. Before they could get inside they see a car stopping in front of them as a man with wide shoulders steps out.

"Jin hyung" Both Jimin and Taehyung say at the same time and Jin smiles at them. He was about to walk towards them but then he notices another person standing in his way... He looks over at the person and his eyes widen...

"Y-you?" The aforementioned person looks back at Jin and immediately bows 90° in the process he bumps his head with Jin,

"I am sorry I am really sorry. For that day also for breaking the cups... "

So I was right...

Taehyung thinks with a small smile.

"Seriously Namjoon hyung how many things will you break in this one lifetime??" Yoongi asks.

"It's- It's ok... I didn't mind him breaking the cups... They were old anyways Haha" Jin awkwardly says. "By the way happy birthday Jimin" He walks towards Jimin and gives him a warm hug.

"Thank you hyung for coming!" Jimin hugs him back. Something about Jin's presence always comforted him.

"Sorry I couldn't bring any gift as I was out of town yesterday... But I promise I'll gift you something really soon... Till then consider my worldwide handsome face as a gift for you! "Jin says blowing a flying kiss.

"Yeah yeah hyung I am extremely honored by your presence and the sight of your worldwide handsome face. Now come inside it's getting cold now. "Jimin says. Jin nods and walks towards Taehyung engulfing him in a hug. He then looks around him and notices Jeongguk looking at him. They both haven't met each other but of course they both knew each other.

Jin knew about Jeongguk since Taehyung and the latter started dating... As Jin was Taehyung's only close friend, Taehyung told him about everything but not the reason why he left. It was just a secret that Taehyung kept away from everyone for years.

"Jeongguk right?" Jin asks. Jeongguk nods. "Yes Jin hyung" He says. He was meeting the other for the first time.

"I have heard about you from Tae. I hope you both have s-"

"Ah yes Jin hyung he's my roommate... And we have settled well in the apartment" Taehyung interrupts Jin and looks at him with a face that said you-don't-talk-about-this-right-now.

Jin understood and said, "Yeah... Um nice to meet you Jeongguk" He smiles and shakes Jeongguk's hand. "Same here Jin hyung."

"I told you guys to come inside right!? Come on we'll play some games!! "Jimin says and walks inside. The rest soon follow.


"Ok Yoongi truth or dare??" Jimin asks excited.

"Dare" Yoongi says with a small smirk.

"Oooooh" Everyone cheers... They have been playing Truth and dare for a while now after eating snacks and playing lots of board games and Taehyung enjoyed every single bit of it. He got along with everyone during the games. At least that's what he felt. And he also saw Jin and Namjoon's blooming friendship in the middle of all of this. He was really happy.

"Okay I dare you to go to the kitchen and open the refrigerator, there's this bottle of you know what I am talking about. You go and take three shots from it. No more no less. "Jimin says. Till now there were dares like screaming lungs out at the neighbour's cat or pole dance near the sofa, or pour a bottle of water on whoever you like etc. etc. This was the first dare like this. But Jimin knew Yoongi had a good alcohol tolerance so he didn't mind.

"Ok" Yoongi shortly says and walks to the kitchen. He opens the refrigerator, takes out a bottle and pours himself 3 shots. He takes a sip from them one by one while looking at the group sitting there. He grunts at the initial burning taste at which Taehyung assumed that he was drinking vinegar or something. He thought that his dare was that only (oh poor baby). Yoongi shouts a small "done" before coming back to take his seat.

The bottle again spins and this time stops at Taehyung. Jimin claps his hand and asks,

"Truth or dare".

Now after seeing the level of dare increasing Taehyung dares not to pick dare.

"Truth" He says uncertain of what was coming.

"Ok so... did you have any boyfriend before?? Or were you single since birth?" Hoseok asks as he was the one sitting across Taehyung.

"Hobi hyung that's two" Jimin says.

"It's ok Jimin they both are the same anyways..." "No they aren't " And they both start to bicker... They fail to notice the pink blush that spread across both Taehyung and Jeongguk's cheeks.

"Jimin don't distract me ok? Now Taehyung answer the question" Hoseok again asks with amusement in his eyes...

"Um... Yeah... I have had... A.. A boyfriend before... " He stutters avoiding Jeongguk's gaze on him...

"Oh are you guys not together now?? What happened?? Did you two break up or something?" This time Jimin asks with curiosity.

"Jimin it's not your turn to ask right? So let's leave it... Hmm? "Jin says sensing Taehyung's uncomfortableness... He then looks over at Jeongguk who was looking at Taehyung with a hurt expression on his face...

"Yeah right... Sorry... "Jimin mumbles... "Ok let's continue!!" He says again. He spins the bottle and this time it lands on Jihyo. "Truth or Dare??" Yoongi says.

"Truth" Jihyo replies with full confidence.

"So Jihyo do you like someone?? Like have a crush on them?? "Namjoon asks a basic question.

"Yes I do have someone I like... Very much" Jihyo mumbles in the end. The whole group goes oooooooh at that.

"How come I didn't know about it? Jihyo since when did you start keeping secrets sis?? "Jimin says. His protective brother side taking over.

"Shut up midget! I don't need to tell you each and every thing. And if I like someone I like them, it's none of your business! "She replies annoyed. Jimin just pouts a little and then rolls his eyes at her.

"Anyways this game is getting bored let's do Karaoke now!" Jimin exclaims.

"Yeah great!!!" Hoseok also says and they all go towards the television to set for the Karaoke.

In the middle of this Taehyung says,

"Jiminie I am thirsty... "He pulls Jimin's sleeves.

"Oh Taehyungie you can get some chilled water from the refrigerator."

"Ok thanks" Taehyung walks into the kitchen and opens the refrigerator. He sees many bottles and picks the first one. He pours himself the transparent liquid in a glass.

He was so thirsty that he drank the whole liquid in one go but he immediately regrets it as he feels a burning sensation in his throat.

What is this??

But the drink tasted good after a while so Taehyung poured himself some more. And more....


Another banger by our Golden Maknae!! I am in love with his voice! Stream 3D and layover to appreciate our boys handwork! 💜💜

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