24. Getting Drunk Was Never In The Plan

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Taehyung gags at the burning sensation of the 'water like drink' he drank as he makes his way to the others in the living room. His mind was going rolly polly and his steps were uneven. He giggles to himself while watching Jeongguk and Hoseok singing a song called GoGo by BTS.

"It's so funn... Yolo yolo yolo yeah yolo yolo yeah!! "He dances, more like jumps on his steps, by himself. He giggles again catching Jimin's attention.

"Taehyungie it seems like you are enjoying a lot!! Come here we will sing the next song together!" Jimin says and makes Taehyung sit next to him.

"Jiminieeeee!!! " Taehyung squeals and then hugs Jimin. "You are my best best best friend!!! Thankuuuu!! "The song ends and now everyone looks at both of them.

"You are my best best best friend too Taehyungie!!!" Jimin smiles widely and hugs Taehyung back. Everyone were confused at the sudden display of affection in front of them.

"Come on let's sing a song now!" Jimin says again and starts to search for a suitable song all while Taehyung clinging onto him like a Koala bear and giggling after every two seconds... Jeongguk notices Taehyung's behavior and senses something odd.

"Hmm found it!" Jimin says and plays the song. Taehyung immediately stands up and sings the lyrics of the song along with Jimin. After half of the song his words get slurry and then Jeongguk realizes.

Oh my god he's drunk!? How!??

Taehyung while dancing to the song loses his balance and was about to fall but Jeongguk soon catches him... He sees Taehyung giggle with his eyes close.

"Th-thank you mister, " Taehyung opens one of his eyes and peeks at Jeongguk.

"Oh I have seen you somewhere... You you," He points a finger at Jeongguk and boops his nose as Jeongguk straightens up both of them. Taehyung takes his head in his hands and does actions like he was examining him with a questionable look on his face.

"Ohhh you look like Gukkieee!!!" Taehyung squeals.

"Is he drunk? Jimin what did you give him?" Yoongi asks. The song long forgotten everyone looks at Taehyung who was now giggling in Jeongguk's arms.

"I don't know... He just went to drink some water and then now... I- "Jimin says unsure and makes his way to the kitchen immediately. This time they didn't plan on drinking as they had university the other day and no one wanted to have a bad hangover... So they just kept only one bottle of alcohol (that looked transparent like water) in the refrigerator just for small dares and all.

Jimin opens the refrigerator door to see the bottle and he sees it was empty. He widens his eyes and gulps. He looks over his shoulder to see everyone looking at him.

"Um Jin hyung? How much of alcohol tolerance does T-Taehyungie have??" He asks timidly as he goes back to the living room.

"Uh...he didn't even touch alcohol once in his life so zero?" Jimin now widens his small eyes even more.

"How much did he drink Jimin?" Namjoon asks.

"Um the whole bottle...?" Jimin now regrets sending Taehyung to drink water by himself when he himself got confused between water and alcohol many times today...

Every one widens their eyes and then look at Taehyung who was now crying? On Jeongguk's shoulder.

All this while when they were finding out how much Taehyung drank, the latter was looking at Jeongguk trying to figure out if he was his Gukkie or not...

"You look like Gukkie but you are not my Gukkie, you are more handsome than him... Oops sorry my Gukkie is the most handsome not you! "He widens his eyes and slaps his mouth.

"Tae I am telling you... I am your Gukkie... "Jeongguk says trying to hold back his smile. Taehyung was just so cute to handle...

"You... You are my G-gukkie?? "Taehyung again asks his wide puppy eyes turning glossy. Jeongguk nods. Taehyung immediately hugs Jeongguk and starts crying.

"I am sorryyyy Gukkkieee" He wails like a child. Jeongguk widens his eyes as he sees everyone looking their way now.

"I am sorry for hurting you... I am such a bad boy... I hurt you... Please forgive me... I am so so so so so sorryy" Taehyung cries on Jeongguk's shoulder.


"I won't h-hurt you a-again. I p-promise! Please forgive me" He sniffles.

Everyone were now really confused.

"Did something happen between you two? Did you fight?" Namjoon asks. Jeongguk turns his head in his direction with wide eyes.

"Ah no hyu-hyung we just got into a s-small argument about what movie to watch after dinner. Yeah." Jeongguk stutters as Taehyung continues to cry. Too busy to even hear others.

"But he said he hurt you... Where did he hurt you?? "This time Jihyo asks.

"W-well while we arguing the remote suddenly hit my head so yeah that's why he was apologizing for h-hurting me... "Jeongguk looks down at Taehyung who wasn't stopping his cries of 'I am sorry'.

"Tae I-I forgive you okay? Now stop crying... Hmm? He says caressing Taehyung's back and hairs...

"R-really you fo-forgive me? Thank y-you G-ukkieeeee "Taehyung again cries but this time with a smile on his face, totally unaware of the thing for which Jeongguk was forgiving him in front of everyone. He hugs Jeongguk and Jeongguk hugs him back slowly, fighting his own tears that were threatening to come out of his eyes. Having Taehyung hug him after so many years felt like he was home again. He felt content as a small smile rose his lips.

Everyone in the room except Jihyo coos at the adorable reconciliation kind of thing...

"Jeongguk I think you should take Taehyung home now... He is going to have a really bad hangover tomorrow. So he better sleep now. Hmm? "Jin suggests with glossy eyes. He was getting emotional seeing Taehyung crying and asking for Jeongguk's forgiveness... He knew they both loved each other but the circumstances were stopping them to reconcile again...

"Yeah we shall leave now... See you guys tomorrow. "Jeongguk hugs everyone one by one and takes Taehyung's hand guiding him out of the house. Taehyung also shouts a "Happpyyy birthdayyy Jiminnn" before heading out with Jeongguk.

Jimin just chuckles and shakes his hand.

"I guess the party's over now" He says with a smile. Taehyung unknowingly made his day special by showing his cute side to everyone. But he's worried about Taehyung's hangover the next day... His head is going to hurt like hell...

"We also should get going. It's almost 12 now. Happy birthday both of you" Yoongi says and one by one everyone go back to their house after wishing both of them happy birthday one last time.


Golden is coming y'alll!!! Stream 3D and layover to appreciate our boys handwork! 💜💜

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