12. Besties love and Allergies

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"So you are telling me that coincidentally you both looked for the same apartment and now you are going to be roommates??" Jimin says to Jeongguk while walking towards the cafeteria.

"Yes that's exactly what I am saying from the past few minutes Jimin" Jeongguk replies already wanting to drop the topic for now.

"Yeah and what's the problem in that, it's good that Jeongguk finally found an apartment and his roommate is also a decent one. " Yoongi adds from behind.

"Who says I have a problem? I am more than happy to know that they both are sharing the apartment... Trust me Jeonggukkie you have got a really good roommate! " Jimin exclaims happily.

"Yeah Taehyung is a nice guy! " Hoseok says afterwards.

"Why are you guys exclaiming things like he is dating Taehyung?? Taehyung isn't even Jeongguk's friend and he isn't even a part of this group till now... We have barely known him for what like? three days only? So how can you claim that he is going to be a good roommate for Jeongguk??" Jihyo suddenly interrupts. Jimin looks at her with a glare that screams shut-up-jihyo-you-have-spoken-too-much...

He was about to say something but Jeongguk says, "Jihyo they aren't claiming anything as such. And now can we just drop this discussion right here. I am hungry! Come on"

To be honest he just wanted to tell everyone that he doesn't just know Taehyung from three days only. He has known him for so many years. And maybe Taehyung was not his friend in everyone's eyes but he once mattered to Jeongguk more than anyone else in this world.

The group of friends soon entered the crowded cafeteria. Jimin soon spots Taehyung, who was using a handkerchief to try to remove some paint from his elbow, that he just noticed, with a pout on his face. He smiles at his cute actions and decides to take food for Taehyung as well.

Jimin is a very outgoing person. He makes friends with everyone easily but when it comes to have that really really good friends, whom you can trust with anything, Jimin really had a few of them. That's why he trusted his friends Jeongguk, Yoongi and Hoseok more than his own twin sister.

And it was not like he didn't love Jihyo, but sometimes he just didn't like her attitude towards certain things and especially how easily she got obsessed with things and became possessive towards them.

So when he heard Jihyo talk about Taehyung like that in the corridor, he really wanted to give her a long ass lecture and defend his newly found or I should say adopted friend.

He doesn't know why, but he feels a really special connection with Taehyung. He definitely grew a liking towards Taehyung since the very first time they both talked with each other.

Yesterday, he noticed the loneliness in Taehyung's eyes when he saw him sitting in the corner seat of the canteen table, which he wanted to remove.
He goes towards the table where Taehyung was sitting as he decides to never leave his friend's side and protect that fluff ball at all costs.

Taehyung upon noticing Jimin, smiles brightly. He then notices the two trays in his hands and quickly gets up to help Jimin.

"Jiminie, you didn't have to. I was just going to get my own food after wiping that paint off of my elbow." He says as he quickly takes both the trays from his hands and places them on the table. He then takes Jimin's hand and leads them to sit on the chairs.

"It's okkie Taehyungie! I can do at least this for my best friend right?" Jimin says.

Taehyung smiles his infamous boxy smile upon hearing the word best friend. He has never had someone call him their best friend. There were only few friends in his life. Rather you can say he spent most of his childhood alone with no friends in school or colony.

And when he made some friends, god snatched them away from him in the most cruel way possible.

His only friend in town was his Jin hyung, who cared for him like an older brother, and he was grateful to have him, and now Jimin in his life.

"Best friend? I have never had one before..." He mumbles quietly...

"Aww Taehyungie come here... We are best friends now! Ok? " Jimin hugs Taehyung. And hears a small ok.

That's what Taehyung meant when he said that he wants to live a normal life... Having friends and making numerous memories with them.

"Are you both done with your besties love thing? So we can eat now "
Yoongi says sounding bored but in reality he also cooed internally at the small moment between Jimin and Taehyung.

Behind him stands Jeongguk, who was trying his best to hide his smile, and Jihyo, who was actually bored... And Hoseok who says,

"Aww Yoongi let them be, or are you just jealous that I don't hug you like this, when you are my best friend?? " Oh man he loves teasing Yoongi.

Yoongi just grimaces at him and takes a seat at the table. Hoseok also sits beside him and makes action like hugs and kisses looking his way, making Yoongi cringe even more.

Taehyung laughs quietly, seeing both of them bicker with each other making Jimin also smile, his eyes turning into crescents...

"Come on let's eat now... " He says.

Jihyo also takes a seat beside Hoseok and now the only seat empty on the table was between Jihyo and Taehyung...

Jeongguk contemplates before taking a seat beside Taehyung because boy he was really hungry.

But Jeongguk is thankful that he took a seat near Taehyung as he sees pickles in Taehyung's plate.

He remembers clearly that Taehyung was allergic to them and how once he ate them unknowingly just to get rashes all over his skin and pout about how he looked like a tomato.

Jimin might have put them in his plate.

He thinks before subtly trying to change his and Taehyung's plate. He thankfully didn't serve pickles as he was not in the mood...

But before he could successfully exchange the plates, Hoseok notices it.

"Jeongguk what are you doing bro?" He asks amused gaining everyone's attention on table.


"Um... I wanted to have p-pickles so I was just.... Um exchanging my plates with T-Taehyung's... " He says obviously embarrassed.

Taehyung then notices the pickles in his plates and his smort brain immediately understands what Jeongguk was trying to do.

"But-" He immediately interrupts Jihyo.

"It's-It's ok, and also I am allergic to pickles... S-so you can exchange the plate.."

He looks towards Jeongguk and passes his plate towards him with a smile.

"Oh my god Taehyungie I am so sorry I was not aware of the fact that you were allergic to pickles... " Jimin says.

"It's totally alright Jiminie... Don't worry" Taehyung says with a smile.

"Then our Jeongguk became Taehyung's saviour unknowingly. Great Job JK!!!"
Hoseok says totally unaware of the fact that it was a known action by Jeongguk.

"Yeah yeah very great... Now focus on eating or else the bell will ring and we will remain hungry you glucose!" Yoongi says.

Hoseok just shrugs and everyone focuses on eating once again.

Taehyung secretly takes a look at Jeongguk and mumbles a small, "Thank you" try hard to stop the stupid smile on his face after knowing the fact that Jeongguk still cared...

Maybe a little bit but he still cared...

Jeongguk obviously hears the small thank you but doesn't show any reaction whereas from the inside he was feeling contented seeing Taehyung smile towards him after so many years...


I love Vmin. 💕
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