21. Live in the moment forever

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"Here you go" The nurse says after putting an iron man bandage on Taehyung's nose.

"Thankfully there's no serious injury and I see no signs of fracture also... But if you want you can go to a hospital after wards for an x-ray... "She says again.

"Yeah we'll do that" Jeongguk says as he looks at Taehyung. It took a while for Taehyung's nose bleeding to stop, mainly because he started wailing like a baby and Jeongguk had to console him all the while the nurse treated him. The university timings were already over and they were the only students left in the campus.

"I look funny with this bandage on" Taehyung shortly mumbles with a pout, his face red from all the crying.

"Aigoo but I had to put it on because of the small cut on your nose...that could have caused infection... You can remove it tomorrow ok" The nurse coos. Taehyung really was very cute.

"These are the medicines and there are some painkillers because he might have a headache afterwards now you can take your cute boyfriend home" The nurse gives a packet of medicines to Jeongguk.

"I- okay" Jeongguk says his cheeks red not denying because- well he himself doesn't know...

"Tae come on" He takes Taehyung's hand and his belongings and they both leave the dispensary. Taehyung was feeling really tired and his head was aching a lott after all this so he didn't pay any attention to what the nurse said or how Jeongguk was holding his hand. He just wanted to go home and sleep.

They both walk towards the basketball court and

"Taehyungieee!!" Yeah, they see a worried Jimin running towards them.

"Yoongi hyung told me about your injury... Are you okay? Oh my god do you have a fracture or anything and why is there this cute bandage on your nose? "He bombards Taehyung with his questions like always.

"I am fine Jiminie... It was just a nosebleed and nothing serious like a fracture thankfully and this bandage is for a small cut that could have caused infection... "

Taehyung says tired. "Oh okk... Come on let's take you home you must be tired... "Jimin says as he takes Taehyung's hands and starts walking but gets tugged behind by Taehyung who stopped in his tracks because of Jeongguk's hold on his hand. Jeongguk notices it. "Ah... I'll just go and change" He says and rushes towards the changing room.


Taehyung really got very tired as Jeongguk directly took him to the hospital for the x-ray because he said that he didn't want to take any chance. And yeah Taehyung blushed profusely afterwards. Luckily the x-ray reports also said that there was no fracture.

When they came back Taehyung directly went to sleep and woke up to Jimin sitting beside him and stroking his hairs, while Jeongguk made them some dinner. And Taehyung wished to live in this particular moment forever.

Now all three of them were sitting on the dining table eating the dinner.

"How are you feeling now Taehyungie?" Jimin asks.

"Much better" Taehyung smiles at him.

"By the way do you know my birthday is coming?" Jimin says excited.

"Really when??" Taehyung asks now shifting all his attention to his best friend.

"13th of October, Taehyungie. It was the day this angel like creature in front of you was born" He spreads his hands and closes his eyes as if he was feeling some sort of supernatural energies in him.

"Yeah yeah Jimin now stop exaggerating. We know how much an angel you are" Jeongguk says teasing Jimin.

"Yah! Respect me you peasant! It will be good for you! "Jimin exclaims. Jeongguk just chuckles and shakes his head in return.

"Never mind...Taehyungie we always celebrate mine and Jihyo's birthday together and this time we are planning to celebrate it at home only... Since mom and dad will be out of town so we can have a grand party and have so much fun... Hmm what do you say? "Jimin says and wiggles his eyebrows.

"Party!!!?? Woww!! I love parties Jiminiee!! When I was small, my grandpa always invited people over for parties. They had very tasty food and like big big flower decorations... I really loved the arrangements and also I got to meet with the guests' kids and they sometimes even played with me." Taehyung exclaims with sparkle in his eyes, totally unaware of the fact that this wasn't the kind of 'grand party' Jimin was talking about.

"Tae... Um by grand party he means all of us having fun by ourselves only... Like playing games, cutting the cake together and getting dru-"

"Oh wow!!! That's even greater!! It will be so much fun, right!!? Yayy!! "Taehyung interrupts Jeongguk and looks towards Jimin.

"Jiminie can I invite Jin hyung also...?" He asks quietly.

"Of course Taehyungie, you can, we also invite Namjoon hyung wherever we celebrate our birthday... And maybe we can check whether Namjoon hyung was the one Jin hyung was talking about... Hmm? "Jimin says. He really was surprised by the fact that Taehyung didn't attend any of the parties Jimin was talking about. Like he was already 22 years old and he had never attended parties like that... which was kinda unsettling for a university going student. But nevertheless he will make sure that Taehyung enjoys the party and learns to relish every moment in his life like Jimin and others did.

"Wait what's up with this Namjoon hyung and Jin hyung thing??" Jeongguk asks curious. Jeongguk knew Jin as a friend of Taehyung from his home town. He has heard Taehyung take his name many times when they were together so he knew how Taehyung considered the other as an older brother...

"That you will know yourself Jeongukkieee" Jimin says.


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