[002] Pretty name

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As the trio continued their walk, Y/n felt bad for the girl whose tickets they were now holding in their hands. She turned around to see if the girl was still there, but nothing. She was nowhere to be seen. Y/n turned her heel again while deciding to apologize to the short-haired girl.

Brittany went on the 'Puke and Duke' while Isabel and Y/n waited. When Brittany stepped her foot on the grass again, she mumbled something about a 'bad idea' before stumbling away while waving her two friends 'goodbye'.

Y/n and Isabel started to stroll around the fairgrounds. In their hands, one of them was holding a soda cup, and the other was holding a freshly made HotDog. The two friends talked about the incident from before with the three girls and had a big laugh when Y/n told Isabel what names she thought the girls had in the beginning.

While Isabel was drinking her soda, Y/n looked up into the sky. It was beautiful. It was so little, yet so much. The girl began closing her eyes while breathing in the smell around her when she heard a high-pitched scream that belonged to her friend.

Y/n quickly looked in the direction the scream came from and could only catch a glimpse of Isabel running away and Jeff following her. The h/c girl wasn't a big runner, even though she was on the cheerleader team. Despite that, she still tried to follow the couple around the fairgrounds.

One time, Y/n had to catch her breath, and when she looked up again, the couple disappeared from her sight. She looked around, walking into people and generally just feeling lost. Finally, the girl made it to a car park, and lucky for her, Isabel was just walking back to her.

The now-panting girl's smile changed to a look of confusion as she saw Jeff lying on the ground while a car with PJ and Josie in it drove off.

"What the fuck happened?" the l/n girl asked her friend who was walking beside her. Isabel's shoes made a 'clack' sound every time her foot came in contact with the ground.

The wavy haired girl let out a sigh before summerazing the events that occurred about ten minutes earlier. Every time she brought up the name 'Jeff', a distinct disgusted undertone was audible. The l/n girl didn't mutter a single word until her friend was done with the story.

"I am so sorry about the whole thing with Jeff. You deserve someone better then that brainless crybaby." Y/n told her angry and tired friend while patting her on the back. Isabel nooded her head but the h/c girl knew that her friend still wouldn't break up with him.

"I think I should get going now. See you tomorrow." Isabel slung her arms around Y/n's upper body, her friend doing the same with her.


The l/n girl was running fast, her feet already burning, to the bus station. Huntington players were right behind her, their heavy footsteps getting closer and closer. She had already fallen ones, costing her time and a little bit of blood to come out of her elbow and leaving other little bruises all over her body. Her head snapped to the left the moment she heard the familiar noise the old school bus makes every time it comes to a stop. Y/n turned left, not daring to turn her head in the direction of the Huntington players.

Lucky Y/n was capable of jumping into the bus before its doors closed, making three Huntington players run into the door. The girl put a hand on her quickly rising chest, attempting to calm her heavy breathing. The ride to school was silent. Only five other people were sitting in the bus.

"Why does this happen? Why can't I just go to school in peace?" Y/n thought to herself. Girls weren't actually involved in this whole hatred, but they were still the ones that had to suffer.

★𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬★  Hazel CallahanWhere stories live. Discover now