03. In the Beginning

Start from the beginning

"Thanks... nice threads," Dean commented. "You know Sonny and Cher broke up, right?"

"Sonny and Cher broke up?"

Cataleya kicked Dean's shin, earning a glare, and subtly made a circle with her finger. Dean looked around the diner and noticed everyone was dressed in 1970s-era clothes. He looked at the newspaper the young man was reading. The headline read 'Nixon accepts resignation of top...' and the date was Monday, April 30, 1973. Dean glanced to Cataleya and mouthed "Seventy three." A man entered the diner.

"Hey, Winchester," the man greeted.

Dean and the young man looked around. The man shook the hand of the young man.

"Son of a bitch. How are you doing, Corporal?"

"Hey, Mr. D," the young man said.

"I heard you were back."

"Yeah a little while now."

"Good to have you home, John, damn good."

"Dad?" Dean asked.

"Well, say hello to your old man for me."

"You got it, Mr. D," John answered.

John noticed Dean and Kennedy staring at him. "Do we know each other?"

"I guess not," Dean replied.

John got up to leave. "Take it easy, pal. Take care of your girl."


Cataleya frowned. "Hell no we're no-- and he's gone. Dean, are we following?"

"Yeah. Come on."

Dean and Cataleya left the diner to follow John. As they turned a corner, they bumped into Castiel.

"What is this?" Dean asked.

"What does it look like?" Castiel questioned.

"Is it real?"


"Okay, so what? Angels got their hands on some DeLoreans? How did we get here?"

"Time is fluid, Dean, Cataleya. It's not easy, but we can bend it on occasion."

"Well bend it back or tell us what the hell we're doing here!" Cataleya yelled. "And why am I here?!"

"I told you two, you have to stop it and she has to help."

"Stop what? Huh? What, is their something nasty after my dad?"

Dean and Cataleya turned as a car horn sounded. When they turned back, Castiel was gone.

"Oh, come on!" Dean cried. "What, are you allergic to straight answers, you son of a bitch?!"

"I think that's a perfectly damn reasonable explanation," Cataleya replied. "Come on, slowpoke, let's find your dad."

"I'm not slow, you're slow."

"You know, I die and come back and your retorts are still as lame as ever."

"Shut up."

"I rest my case."

"Leya, I mean it."

"Since I can go on, I'll spare you this time."


John was talking to a car salesman.

"A fine young man like yourself, just starting out? How about I take off another 250?" the car salesman offered.

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