Chapter 30

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"The barrier will be down soon

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"The barrier will be down soon." Maena looked to her comrades, Ryal and Enal, standing on either side of her. Her expression was grave, fear deep in her eyes.

"Any sign of Trystan and Nessa?" Ryal asked, concern knitting his brow.

"No," Enal responded flatly, disappointment in her eyes. "I found a building that had a fire burning, and some of their belongings, but neither of them were there."

"They just left?" Ryal asked, confusion in his eyes.

"They would not have left." Maena glanced back at him, gripping her bow tightly. Her opposite hand gripped an arrow, spinning it easily between her fingers. "They were both committed to this. Magic and the dream world work in mysterious ways."

"She's right." Enal looked towards Ryal, sadness in her eyes. "They left their weapons. It was as though they just vanished." She paused for a moment. "There were carvings on the wall in the building."

"What carvings?" The statement had obviously peaked Maena's interest, and she regarded Enal with curiosity.

"They portrayed everything that has happened to us so far. We are all on that wall."

Maena's eyes widened, and her jaw tightened. "That is the only remaining Uynare magic in this world, Enal, a record of the history of this land. What else did you see on the walls?"

"A man and a woman, crossing a line. There were shadows all around them, reaching out to them. The woman was lying down, and the man was embracing her."

"Interesting," Maena whispered, biting her lip as her thoughts went inward. After a moment of silence, she looked at both of them. "Nessa and Trystan have somehow travelled past the barrier and into the realm of dreams."

"Nessa is alive?" Ryal's eyes widened, hope simmering in his gaze.

A deep sadness moved over Maena's face, and her lips pursed into a tight line. She breathed deeply, allowing the cool dawn air to wash over her face.

"I'm sorry, Ryal," she spoke softly. "In order for them to accomplish such a feat, Nessa's magic would have been sacrificed to your father."

Ryal's brows furrowed, loss swimming in his eyes. "And my father? Will he be able to return?"

"I don't know. I don't know."

Just as Maena finished speaking, a loud boom echoed around them, followed by a cascade of terrifying wails and screeches. The sun had yet to come up, still lingering behind the mountain ranges around them. Darkness seeped upward into the sky, causing massive black clouds to form around Uynara, blocking any chance for the sun to shine on the area.

"As long as the sun remains covered, the power of those creatures will continue to grow," Enal murmured, her eyes moving over the angry black clouds that billowed around them.

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