Chapter 15

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Trystan had never been to the home of his mother

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Trystan had never been to the home of his mother. This was as new of an experience for him as it was for Nessa. Apprehension swam in his stomach. It was obvious their reception was not a welcome one, and as they moved into the city, the eyes of the guards were hard as they watched him.

The city itself was a stark contrast to his own. While his kingdom was very much built and supported by the trees, the Rynare's home rose among and between them. Their buildings rose tall and dark above him, much like the surrounding forest. His eyes swam with curiosity as he studied the dark stone that crafted them, embedded with various hand-carved intricate designs and images.

Many of the buildings crumbled from lack of maintenance and use, revealing the emptiness of the dark city. The guards that guided them through the forest were the only other elves he had noticed.

"You weren't kidding when you said it was in ruin," Nessa murmured, glancing towards Trystan. She brushed a strand of her copper hair behind an ear, her fingers trembling.

She must be nervous.

This city thrived at one time, and it was eerie walking through it now.

The elvish woman answered her observation. "We've had our reasons for our seclusion. Our numbers have decreased substantially over the last generations."

"Why is that?" Trystan asked, suspicion in his eyes. "My people have also vanished. From the looks of your once great city, this has been going on for some time."

"Thousands of years, to be exact," she explained, keeping her eyes on the road before them. "The Matriarch will explain further."

They traveled in silence until blue lights appeared around them, casting the area in a faint glow. Here, the buildings were in better shape, but still suffering from lack of care. Trystan reached out to run his fingers against the ragged stone, a contemplative expression on his face. Smoke and the scent of cooking food wafted through the area, causing Trystan's stomach to rumble as he turned his attention back to the escort.

The elvish woman led them to a smaller building lit by lanterns glowing with blue flames. Its roof, crafted of violet planks, had seen better days, its surface worn and crumbling. The smoothness of the walls shined in the lantern light, revealing tiny crevices of carvings worn down by time. The elf swung open the door, looking at them with a nod.

"She is ready for you." The woman took her place by the door facing outwards, her expression blank as she scanned the surrounding area. She waited until Nessa and Trystan entered before pulling the door shut.

The room inside was small and lit by the same dim blue flames. A few pieces of modest furniture lined the perimeter, covered with various papers, weapons, and food. A large table sat in the center with a small smoking dish that expelled a sweet smoke into the air. In a curved chair towards the back of the room sat a tall woman, her legs crossed.

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