Chapter 29

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Trystan clenched his jaw tightly as his eyes focused on the ominous black panel

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Trystan clenched his jaw tightly as his eyes focused on the ominous black panel. The darkness he felt deep within was disconcerting and foreboding, and he knew if Nessa didn't relinquish her magic that any little chance they had of saving this world was gone.

The idea of her death made him ill, and every time he thought of it, his stomach roiled. How was he even to broach this subject? And furthermore, how was he supposed to allow her to sacrifice herself?

He took a moment to steal a glance in her direction, studying her smooth skin and the long strands of copper hair that brushed against her high cheekbones. Those intense green eyes had only become more and more vivid as the Uynare blood called to this world, manifesting in her appearance. The ash coloured streaks in her hair had grown more apparent, and while they contrasted brightly with the copper, they blended in such a beautiful way.

She is still only human. What runs through her veins is ultimately her doom. The only way for her to be free is for her to be free of the blood. The longer it's inside of her, the more likely it will kill her.

What if she didn't want to die? He couldn't force her to relinquish her powers. A part of him hoped she would refuse, and then, if the world ended, it would at least end with her in his arms. It was a selfish thought, but he couldn't change the feelings that tugged at his heart. Life without her would have no meaning. His own existence would be pointless.

His kingdom was destroyed. Everything he had worked to keep together had fallen apart. He had failed his people. He had failed his family, and now he had failed Nessa. He had nothing to go back to.

How could he even think about that at a time like this? The world was about to end, and he couldn't get her off his mind.

Trystan continued to watch her, her features lit by the glowing light of the orb that hovered in her hand. His eyes widened as the realization came over him.

He loved her.


"I know what you are thinking." Nessa sighed, catching his gaze with her sparkling green eyes. The dim light in the small house lit her irises, and for a moment, it almost seemed as if they glowed. "I won't refuse, Trystan. I will do what has to be done."

Her lips pulled into a fine line, and she turned from him. She studied the simple door on the far wall. It was the only part of the room other than the floor that wasn't covered in carvings. Nessa pushed it open, allowing her orb to flit inside and light within.

It was a small and cozy study. A desk sat against a far wall, under a window that remained intact. The colours in the stained glass were grimy and obscured, but she could tell how beautiful it would have been in its time. The walls in this room were free of the carvings, and it felt as though a burden had lifted off of her shoulders not to have to look at them. A chaise lounger was pushed against another wall, upholstered in a rich purple fabric. Two chairs were positioned on either side of a large rug in front of what seemed to be the centrepiece of the room: a beautifully simple fireplace. There was no wood in the fireplace. It hadn't been lit for a long time, possibly centuries.

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