Chapter 20

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Hannah trembled

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Hannah trembled.

She pressed her back tightly against the wall as the smoke slowly sunk low to the ground around her feet. As she took careful steps down the passageway, the haze billowed up from the ground. Ash was accumulating in the air, and Hannah knew if she didn't get to where she needed to be soon, she would succumb to it.

Ryal and Enal were nowhere to be found, and the palace was empty. Most of the guards were dead in the fire or outside, attempting to subdue the shadows that overtook the city.

Hannah suspected the two figures that had been escorted under guard to the castle. She didn't like the look of them, or how casual they appeared. She thought the wards would protect the city from any threats, but the events that transpired after their arrival proved her wrong.

The first flash of flames to spark in the city came from one of the local taverns. The screams and chaos that followed drew her attention from her duties in the stable. It wasn't long after she had exited the stables that she realized most of the city was on fire. As the chaos began, Hannah had used that opportunity to slip into the palace unnoticed. Although she was a human, she could not run without making sure that Ryal was alright. The king had left him in charge, and Hannah knew well enough that Ryal had not come into his magic yet.

She stepped over the corpse of the guard, cringing as her eyes moved over his body. His viscera hanging from his stomach, as if ripped carelessly with razor-sharp claws. The smell was overwhelming as it mixed with the heady smoke. She had only witnessed the shadows that descended on the city like locusts from a distance. They seemed focused only on the elves, making it easy to bypass them. They were terrifying creatures, the things you'd only see in your worst nightmares.

Just two more turns and she would be in the throne room.

When she arrived at the two large doors that led to the throne room, she noticed they sat ajar. That did not bode well, for those doors were never open. They were always shut and sealed with magic unless the royal family ordered them to open.

Hannah slowly approached the doors, placing her hand against one to steady herself. She brought her brown eyes to the opening and gazed through.

Ryal and Enal were both on their knees, their hands bound with a silver rope that Hannah did not recognize. The same two figures that were escorted into the palace earlier stood over them. The woman was taller than most, and the man was obviously human. She had not seen another human in a very long time, and she found it peculiar that he would be in the company of the dark-haired elf. The Elven woman did not have the features of the elves of Niandar, but she looked a lot like Trystan.

She must be of the Rynare, Hannah thought, her eyes widening in surprise as she took a sharp intake of breath. What was going on?

Her breath must have been audible, for the tall woman turned slowly, her ice-blue eyes focusing on the opening and narrowing as she looked right into Hannah's eyes. Hannah pulled her face away from the opening and took a step in the opposite direction. She did not make it far, as the door swung open, hitting her square in the back and sending her flying across the floor. The door slammed against the wall, vibrating with force.

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