Chapter 11

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"It's for the best, Nessa," Hannah whispered into Nessa's ear, embracing her in a full, all-encompassing hug

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"It's for the best, Nessa," Hannah whispered into Nessa's ear, embracing her in a full, all-encompassing hug.

Hannah's arms comforted Nessa. Throughout all the uncertainty, Hannah had always been there for her, never once turning a judgmental eye in her direction. Their work together had given her normalcy. In the time she had spent here, her past as a nurse had faded, almost like a distant dream.

"This is not only for the good of the Kingdom my dear, but also for you. I would not have you stay in a place you would be at such terrible risk. Please try to remember that the king is doing what's best for his people and for you. I can tell you that despite how you view him and your time here, he is the best choice for your safety. He takes a significant risk in going out there alone with you, Nessa."

"I sure hope you're right, Hannah." Nessa pulled back from the older woman, gazing at her with fondness.

Hannah held out a small canvas pack. "I filled this with things you may need. You are trained in healing wounds, so these supplies may be of use to you." The woman patted Nessa's injured arm, her touch comforting against the bandage. The pain still throbbed from the evening's incident, but the bleeding had stopped some time ago.

"Thank you." Nessa smiled, throwing the pack over her shoulder. She wore a green tunic and brown leather slacks with soft leather boots on her feet. A long cloak of a deep emerald covered her shoulders, the hood pooling beneath the bun coiled at her neck.

"It won't be for long. You'll be back soon." Hannah smiled. "I know you miss your home, but I've gotten used to you around here. And until you regain your memory, I'd sure like you to stay."

Regain your memory.

Nessa frowned. She hated lying to someone like Hannah, but it was necessary. With everything that had happened, she would look even more suspicious if the truth came out.

"I trust you are ready to depart?" A voice interrupted their conversation.

Nessa turned to view the speaker. Trystan stood before her, and he wore similar travelling gear to her own. It seemed strange to see him out of his usual blue and formal clothing, but it also made him less intimidating. His black hair was pulled into a low ponytail at the nape of his neck, hanging over one shoulder. His gloved hand rested on the hilt of a sword that sat buckled at his waist.

Nessa flushed. Seeing him without the trappings of his office caused a gentle warmth to pool in her stomach. She nodded.

"Yes, I am ready."

Trystan nodded and gestured for her to follow, turning towards the darkness of the cover of trees that shadowed the outskirts of the city. The air left a chill, carrying the earthy scent of the surrounding forest. The faintest chirping of crickets echoed in a chorus, moving in time with the bubbling of a nearby river.

"Goodbye Nessa." Hannah nodded with reassurance, folding her hands in front of her. The glow of the lanterns on the gate caused the grey in her hair to light up as it reflected the light.

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