Chapter 6

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"The stables?" Nessa's eyes widened

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"The stables?" Nessa's eyes widened. "I know nothing about animals. You'd be better off to put me with whoever takes care of your medicines. That I know about."

Nessa stood in the doorway of her room, still dressed in a long robe meant for sleep. she brushed erratic hair out of her eyes. The early kiss of dawn just warmed the windowsill.

"You are human," Enal replied, crossing her arms against her chest, "and know nothing about Elvish medicine. You have been assigned to the stables. It is the one place where you may not prove to be such a hindrance." She smirked. "And do something about yourself before you head down. You look terrible. From now on, you will need to be at the stables at this time, not lounging around in your nightgown. You are not a guest here. I will meet you downstairs."

The tall elf didn't give Nessa a chance to respond, pivoting on a heel, her long, braided brown hair flying behind her like a rope.

Nessa groaned in frustration and shut the door behind her. She approached the window and gazed out toward the forest, admiring the slim line of daylight that shone between the trees like a necklace of gold.

"What the hell am I going to do in the stables?" she muttered, placing her elbows on the windowsill.

After a moment of drowning in her own misery, she moved to the table and changed into a simple tunic and slacks. This time, the tunic was a deep burgundy, and she liked the shade. It contrasted with her skin and brought warmth and colour into her cheeks in the mirror.

Well, if I'm going to be mucking around with horses, I'd better get this rat's nest out of my face.

She ran her fingers through her hair, pilling it on top of her head and securing it with a fabric tie and small metal pins. She took a few moments to get it right, but with one final pin, it stayed. She missed simple things from her world—like hair elastics.

As promised, Enal waited for her at the bottom of the stairway, her expression passive. When she caught sight of Nessa, she gestured with her head and walked out the front doors of the palace.

I am blessed with the most cheerful guard in all the land. Nessa sighed and followed without comment.

The stables were small but neat. When they entered, Nessa made out eight separate stalls, a storage area, and a loft that took up the space above. Because of its smaller size, the stables likely served the royal family. Unlike the rest of the city, the stables were crafted of wood, not smooth stone. There were a few designs engraved in the front doors, but other than that, the ornamentation was simple.

"Hannah," Enal stopped and called out, waiting in silence until footsteps revealed an older woman who appeared to be human. "I have a new helper for you."

Hannah was fit and moved with ease and fluidity. Her greying hair coiled in a bun at her neck, and perspiration dotted her tanned skin. She wore a simple blue cotton dress tied with a white apron. She smiled with warmth.

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