"She's alright, thank you though mum" Raya answered. "No no no, that looks bad, just me have a look please" her mother walks up to us.

I guess this Is happening..

"Take a seat on the couch, I'll be back in a momment"  the woman left me and Raya on the couch.

"Sorry" she said when we were alone. I'm not sure what she's apologizing for but I just nod. When the woman returns she has an ice pack and some bandages.

"Can you please remove your shirt"

Absolutely not.

I shake my head aggressively. No way, what if she can tell the difference between old and knew bruises. The cuts on my arms, burn marks also run along my stomach. Scars and all sorts hide underneath my clothing.

"Alex, your gonna have to if you want help"

I don't want help, your daughter forced me into this.

I felt my legs start to bounce up down and the older woman sighed.

"Would it make you feel better if Raya wasn't here?" She asked. I shrugged my shoulders. "Would you feel better if I wasn't here?" Again, I shrugged my shoulders.

She sighed. "Raya can you please go up to your room"

Raya looked as if she wanted to protest but knew better.

Now I was left alone with some random chic who was waiting for me to take off my shirt. Which I really dont want to do.

"Please love, I want to help" her eyes held kindness in them.

The faster I do this the faster I get home.  But how will she react? Will she call child protection services? Will I have to go to a doctor? Dad would be furious.

"I'm sure whatever your hiding under there is nothing to be ashamed of" she tried.


I took a deep breathe. I swear if she tells anyone...

I bring my hands to them hem of my shirt and lift it over my head, leaving me in a black sports bra.

And leaving my very obvious scars out in the open for her to see.

My arms instantly went to my stomach out of habit.

Her look saddened instantly and I felt extremely insurcure. She didn't say anything but asked me to lift my arms which I did reluctantly.

She told me to hold the ice pack over my stomach while she sorted out the bandages.

"Do you feel tired?"

I shook my head no. She asked a few more questions and soon we were done

I handed her the pack. I knew she wanted to say something else but she didn't which I appreciated.

I got a pen and wrote on my hand Please don't tell anyone

She smiled sadly and nodded. "I'll get Chat and Ray to drop you off, and here are some extra bandages, you'll need to change them frequently"


I have never been so relieved to see my dad passed out on the couch.

I snuck past him and grabbed some food before sneaking up to my room. I sighed and grabbed my phone to see I got a friend Request on snapchat.

Raya❤🤍❤ sent a friend request

I only have Chat and my brother added on my snaps.

I know I should probably delete his account but I couldn't bring myself to do it. Sometimes I still text him but i obviously never get a reply.

I clicked accept and typed 'Hi' before putting my phone down so I could eat.

Usually when he's asleep on the couch he's out for hours. I get to eat in that time and do whatever I like.

Though all I could do was overthink today. Raya and Chats mother saw my scars today..

Thankfully the bruises could pass as kids from school. The worried look in her eye made me feel guilty.

I then heard a ding come from my phone. It was Raya.


Hey, sorry about my mum, she's a nurse so she has the need to help out

Its alright, she seems really nice, ur lucky to have her

Yeah :) anyway I was wondering if you would want to hang out sometime after school?

She wants to hang out with me? I really wish I could but dad would go mental if he found out I had friends.

Sorry but I don't think my dad would let me. He's EXTREMELY strict

That sucks :(  anyway I have to go do the dishes, I'll see you in school tmrrw??


I smiled. I think I've actually made some friends this time. Nate would be proud.

1163 words

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