Chapter 21 : paranormal liberation war

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I'm gonna skip a lot where Akui wouldn't be present like the endeavor training arc so now onto the paranormal liberation war arc or season 6 in the anime.

"I want to beat up some villains," Mirko said, leaning against Akui.

"We'll get to do that soon, don't worry," Akui replied as he stood still, waiting for Endeavor.

After a while, Akui and Mirko were seen running through a tunnel when they saw something.

"Something is approaching," Akui said to Mirko.

"I know, just report it to Endeavor."

"Okay," Akui said as he activated the comms. "Endeavor, something is coming."

"What is?" Endeavor said before being cut off by a Nomu drilling through the floor in front of him.

"It seems like the Nomu are here and there," Mirko said as a Nomu came towards them. "This will be fun," Mirko said, running at the first Nomu, kicking its head, killing it, while Akui ran past her, hitting a different one, killing it and knocking the others behind it down because of the shockwave.

The doctor researching Shigaraki looked at the screens, seeing everyone approaching him, and took a few bottles and vials, telling Johnny to teleport him away when Mirko burst through the wall, crushing Johnny, while turning her head towards the doctor.

"Are you the real one?" she asked.

"He obviously is, otherwise, he wouldn't be here," Akui said as he walked out from the dark tunnel.

Mirko ran towards the doctor and went to kick him when a small Nomu stopped her and created a double of the doctor. Akui ran up and killed both the double and the Nomu with a simple punch to the face. But this bought enough time for the doctor to release the other Nomu, commanding them to kill Akui and Mirko. The Nomus ran towards Mirko and tried to pick her up, but they were kicked away by Akui, who was much faster than them. Mirko overheard the doctor talking with her huge rabbit ears as they tweaked. She used her quirk to amplify her legs, making them bigger and stronger as she smirked. Using her speed, she jumped over the High-Ends, intending to go after the doctor first, but the High-Ends retaliated, pushing her back into a corner. Two of them tried to attack her from the front and back, but were stopped by Akui roundhouse kicking the one attacking her back, while she crescent kicked the one in front of her, knocking them both away. Mirko went after another Nomu but was stopped by another using his quirk to make stone restraints contain her arm, trying to twist it but failing as Akui kicked it, destroying the stone.

"Luna fall," Mirko said as she crushed a Nomu by fall-kicking it in the head, killing it. She rushed to another Nomu, wrapping her legs around its head. The High-End attempted to retaliate with its laser eyes, but Mirko simply dodged before ripping its head clean off.

Akui turned to the other Nomus and kicked one in the head, knocking it down while he stomped on its head, killing it. He rushed to another one and punched it in the gut, making it topple over before he kicked upwards, kicking it in the head and sending it upwards. He jumped up onto its head and backflipped off of it, Luna falling it in the head, killing it.

Akui ran to the last one, hitting it with a death scythe in the head, killing it.

After a while, Akui was outside with Deku, facing Shigaraki. Akui kicked him in the head, knocking him down, while he started beating his face, hitting him over and over. He picked him up and kicked him in the head, sending him upwards as he jumped after him, hitting him with a death scythe in the head, knocking him down for Deku to keep beating him with attacks. Bakugo also joined, shooting an explosion in his face, while Akui came down and Luna fell him in the face, destroying the ground under him as he tried to touch Akui, but ultimately just crumbled a part of his arm, not doing much, while Akui kicked him away before appearing behind him and hitting him. Akui moved so fast that it looked like multiple duplications of him appeared as he hit him as hard as he could with all the mirages, breaking his legs, arms, ribs, and neck, but they all just regenerated. Eventually, after a while, Akui was standing with multiple wounds, while Shigaraki stood there barely breathing, as his regeneration barely worked. Akui ran forward, kicking him away and hitting him down onto the ground, before using his death scythe on his head, killing Shigaraki somewhere in the process, as he kept hitting his face to try to finish him, not knowing he died. After a while, Mirko stopped him by hugging him from behind.

"He's dead," she whispered into his ears, as he looked down, seeing the lifeless body of Shigaraki, knowing they had won.

After this, Akui was crowned the hero of the attack, having defeated Shigaraki and also helped turn in the doctor, also becoming the new number two hero. He became number one only a year after. He also had a daughter named Luna with Mirko, who now became his wife. Luna looked just like Mirko but had a mixture of both their quirks, basically having both. They also had a son named Sanyu, who had the same hair as Akui and the same color rabbit ears and tail.

The end.

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