Chapter 4 : USJ

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The next day when Akui woke up he went for a jog again, on his jog he again saw the number five hero Mirko on the same path so he decided to talk to her. He jogged a bit faster so he could catch up to her and said her hero name to catch her attention.

"Hey you're the number five hero Mirko right" Akui asked.

"Yeah I am why?" She asked him.

"Oh I just though I recognized you so I asked to make sure, but what are you doing here, I jog this path everyday and have never seen you here before so I thought I'd ask" Akui asked.

"Oh yeah I actually moved here a few days ago, I live in a huge mansion down the road. I moved there a few days ago after moving out of my fathers house" She replied.

"Well that explains it" He said while stopping and she did to. "My name is Akui Akuma I live a few blocks south" He said while sticking out his hand. "Mine is Rumi Usagiyama nice to meet you" She said while taking his hand in hers and shaking it. "Nice to meet you to" He said. He then realized he still had school and looked at his phone realizing he would be late if he didn't go now. "Oh shit, sorry I have to go I don't want to be late for school" He said to her. "Oh yeah no problem I assume you're in hero school so I wouldn't be late if I we're you" She said with a small smile on her face. "Well good luck I hope you make it on time." "Yeah thanks" Akui said while waving and then ran home to get ready for school. He knew he was going to go to a facility to train with all might's class, so he wanted to be on time and not miss the buss.

He arrived to school just on time. He saw all his class mates dressed up in their hero suits of course he was as well.

"Okay everyone today we are going to the USJ or Unforeseen Simulation Joint facility to train you're rescue skills" All might said to the class.

"Keep it down will you" Professor Aizawa said to the number one hero.

"Sorry" All might said at the same volume as before making Aizawa sigh before turning to the class. "Okay all of you in the buss now" He ordered. They all got on and Akui sat at the back all alone like he wanted to because so far he found his class very annoying they we're either loud weird or just to silent. And the one he hated the most was Mineta if he could he would smash his face in and break his skull but he wasn't allowed to, which only made it worse. After a few minutes they arrived with the class. All might stayed behind and would go there later.

As they walked in they were greeted by the pro hero Thirteen, who was there as a replacement of All might until he would arrive himself.

"So since All might had something to do he will be coming a bit later, but in the meantime I will be teaching you as a substitute. So first of we will be having a rescue mission while we save some professional fake trapped or injured person to rescue we will be sending them out soon and then you guys can go." Thirteen said.

As she finished explaining their exercise a portal appeared and a bunch of villains walked out of it.

"Wow cool we're going to do this exercise with fake villains this should be fun" Kirishima said with a look of excitement on his face.

"Those villains aren't fake, everybody stay behind Thirteen I will take down these villains" Aizawa said before jumping down the stairs to fight the villains. 

The portal the villains came from closed with the last two people walking out of it were a man with hands all over his body and a weird humanoid bird looking creature but what was the weirdest of all was that it's brain was completely exposed which kind of creeped out most of the people there. Then a another person appeared it looked like a man with the mist from the portal over his head. But he disappeared again only to reappear right in front of them. He expanded the mist from his body making it go all around them bet before it was completely around it Iida ran out from the mist and trough the door.

A few seconds back

"Iida you have to get help from the other pro heroes I have a bad feeling about this" Akui said.

"What why me aren't you faster"

"Yes I am but you would be better suited for this and I have to protect the rest of our class, either way you should just go before it is to late" Akui said. Iida nodded and got ready to run when the mist guy appeared in front of them.

Back in the present thirteen used her quirk black hole to try and suck the mist into her fingers. But a portal opened behind her and the power she was channeling out of her fingers got send out of the portal hitting her back ripping it right open. After that Bakugo and Kirishima tried going right for the villain both using their quirks but it again didn't work. They thought they were going to die until all of them got teleported to random areas all around the USJ facility.

Back with Aizawa he was fighting and taking down many villains with the help of his quirk which lets him remove others quirks, and his scarf which he used as a kind of weapon. The man with the hands on his body got kind of annoyed and send the humanoid bird looking thing to take him down. "Nomu take down Eraserhead but do it slowly I want to see him suffer" The man said. And at his command the creature now known as Nomu jumped in to fight Eraserhead.

With Akui

Akui found himself in this broke down city that was on fire. He looked around but saw he was all alone, but he really couldn't care less all he had to do was go back to where he came from it sounded very easy. Before he could run to find where he came from he heard a pair of footsteps behind him. When it got closer he quickly turned around while doing a roundhouse kick hitting the villain right in the side sending him into a building and knocking him out. He saw a few more villains come at him from the same place the other one came from, but instead of getting scared or nervous he just smirked as he could finally fight somebody again. 

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