Chapter 12: The second day

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Akui slowly woke up to feel two soft pillows on his head but for some reason they were more jiggly than most pillows. He moved his head back a bit and saw two very big breasts in front of him. He was very surprised until he remembered what had happened the night before. While thinking Rumi groaned a bit and pulled him back into her breasts. She kept peacefully sleeping with a small smile plastered on her face. Looking at this Akui couldn't help but smile, but he was instantly reminded of his situation when he felt Rumi stir awake.

She let out a small groan while stretching her arms. She opened her eyes and felt something on her breasts so she looked down, she wasn't ready for what she saw. 

"What the fuck are you doing here, what are you some kind of pervert" Rumi screamed angrily.


"I asked you what are you doing here"

"Well you pulled me in, and how can you be so strong while you are sleeping" Akui defended himself.

"W-What are you talking about you fucking idiot!" She was still angry.

"Umm actually my lady I saw you pull him in while you were asleep" The maid said opening the door after having come here due to the commotion.

"What then why didn't you wake me up or get him off me"

"Because you two looked so cute sleeping together, I would even go so far as to say you looked like a cute couple" The maid said happily.

Both Akui and Rumi looked at her with a completely open mouth. 

"You two really are a lot like each other, that just makes it cuter though"

They both instantly shut their mouth's making the maid laugh. Both of them looked at each other only serving in them both getting a dark red blush on their faces. 

"Well I'll leave you two to it then" The maid said happily while leaving.

Both Akui and Rumi kept staring at each other for a few more seconds both lost in each others eyes before Akui turned away and said. "Well I'll get ready now"


Akui left the room and went to his own getting some sport clothes out of it and walked to the bathroom to take a shower. While doing all this he kept thinking about Rumi and what had happened and what he though of most was her blushing face. "She was really cute" he said to himself while looking in the mirror before noticing what he said and blushing a bit while got in the shower.

Akui was looking at the wall as he was just thinking with the hot water streaming down his scarred and bruised body, although he didn't really care about bruises or scars. He kept thinking about what had happened even if he tried to think of something else he couldn't although he was completely oblivious as too why. He turned of the water and dried himself of putting the towel around his waist. He walked out and put his clothes on then walked down the stairs to the hall. he kept walking until he came to the kitchen where a private chef was making breakfast for both him and Rumi, who was already sitting there. 

"Hey" He said timidly.

"H-hey" She replied just as timidly.

"So what are we going to do today" Akui asked her.

"The same as yesterday just way more intense"

"What but I'm already really sore"

"Well to bad"

Akui sighed as he knew it wouldn't help arguing. They silently ate their breakfast before going on to do their normal training routine. While in the workout session they only talked about what to do next or to encourage the other nothing more. Then they went on to their fighting training. After that they went on to their patrol. They didn't find much only a few idiots who were annoying an old lady and tried to steal her purse. Mirko was still very annoyed and just beat them up, after that they went home. While being home they didn't talk all that happened was that Mirko would get angry at him for almost everything he did. Akui spent his evening working out as a way to distract himself while Mirko spent it eating carrots while watching action movies. But nobody saw that she would occasionally walk by the gym staring at Akui before walking away.

Sorry for the short chapter next one will be a very big one and I had severe writers block for this chapter.

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