Chapter 15: Finally

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After the events of the days before Rumi and Akui had made up and weren't mad at each other anymore and actually got closer over the whole ordeal. Akui laid in bed with bandages all over his body covering up the wounds he got in his fight with Stain. He slowly got up while wincing at the pain he felt from the wounds as he moved up. He sat up in bed looking outside the window his dark red eyes were even redder than normal and looked almost dead. He stared outside while the curtains were flowing with the wind that got in form the open window, and felt nothing at all from a far he looked majestic yet depressing. The door opened and the maid came in.

"I see you're awake"

"Yeah" Akui said while still looking outside the window.

"Well you should go down soon Miss Usagiyama is waiting for you, she won't eat without you in the kitchen for some reason"

"I'll be there soon"

"Okay" the maid said while leaving the room while Akui still stared outside of the open window.

Akui stepped out of bed and put on some clothes but realized one of his sweaters was missing. He didn't care though and slowly limped outside of his room slowly walking down the stairs that was at the end of the hall. He slowly walked through Rumi's mansion till he got to the kitchen where he saw Rumi sitting at the table waiting for him. What was weird though was that Rumi was wearing his missing sweater and only his missing sweater well and underwear of course.

"Hey" Akui said while walking in.

"Oh you're finally awake huh"

"Yeah, but why are you wearing my sweater"

"Because i-it's comfy" Rumi said while blushing a bit.

"Sure just return it after wearing it" Akui said while walking to the table and sitting beside her.

"What you thought I wouldn't" Rumi said angrily.

"I never said that" Akui said.

"Why are you so damn tall by the way"

"What" Akui said confused.

"Why are you so fucking tall, this sweater which is normal for you goes all the way to my knees even further for me and what's worse is that I'm older than you" Rumi said still angry.

"Well I can't control my height or anything. But in my opinion you're height makes you look even more beautiful" Akui said while blushing and stammering at the end.

"W-what" Rumi said with a dark red blush on her face.

They sat in an awkward silence until the breakfast came. They ate their breakfast in silence while both were still blushing.

"S-since you are still recovering and aren't ready to continue training for today we'll just chill today" Rumi said.

"Okay but even if we just chill what are we going to do"

"We can watch a movie and just game or something" Rumi said.

"Wait you play games" Akui said confused.

"Yeah why"

"No it just surprises me"

"Well anyway what movie should we watch" Rumi said.

"I don't know why don't you choose" Akui said not caring much.

"Hmm, how about the new Spider-man across the spider verse movie"


They watched the movie while having fun and enjoying it very much and even more so because they were together. After that they played some games they played mortal kombat 11 Minecraft and a few more games. At the end of the day they ate dinner and played a few more games just having fun together. The maid looked at the two while they laughed and played games trying to sabotage each other to her they looked like a couple but she didn't dare to say it. Rumi was laughing a very nice and beautiful laugh while Akui stared.

"Why are you staring" Rumi said.

"Well you just looked cute"

Rumi's face instantly went bright red as she blushed like crazy.


"You just always look so beautiful, I don't know what I'm feeling I've never felt like this before" Akui confessed while looking at her he really didn't now what he felt but he knew his heart was very warm.

"What you feel is love" Rumi said while blushing.

"Love, are you sure"

"Yeah I am"

"But how can I kno-"

Rumi cut him off by kissing him on the lips and leaning her body against his. Akui was very confused at first but kissed back after a few seconds. They had a very passionate kiss for around a minute.

"You feel this hot feeling and that our hearts are thumping like crazy, that's love" Rumi said acting like she knew from experience, but for her this was also a first.

"So what does this mean" Akui said.

"Well you love me a-and I feel the same for you" Rumi said while blushing a dark red shade.

They heard clapping behind them and turned around.

"About damn time I have been waiting for this for like since you first came to this house" The maid who was standing behind them said.

"What" Rumi said.

"You guys have had scenes like this for the whole week it was very obvious you two loved each other" the maid said.

"What, well anyway let's leave" Rumi said while dragging Akui to her room closing the door with a loud slam.

"What are we doing here" Akui said.

"We're going to sleep together" Rumi said while taking off Akui's sweater.

"Wait what" Akui said while blushing.

"We won't do anything weird just sleeping in the same bed, that's normal for a couple right" Rumi said while crawling on the bed.

Akui quickly changed into his sleep wear and also got in bed. Rumi cuddled up to him.

"You're mine and only mine" Rumi said seductively.

"And you're mine" Akui said while putting his arms around her and feeling her muscles.

"You like my muscles" Rumi asked.


"Well you can feel them as much as you like" Rumi said while snuggling closer to him and falling asleep in his arms laying her head on his chest.

Akui also fell asleep after feeling her muscles for a while.

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