Chapter 2 : Entrance exam

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Sorry for not posting for so long I was on vacation and didn't have my pc to write on. Most of this chapter will be filler and just explain how he is able to live in his apartment and pay for rent. If you want you can skip that part.

Akui walked to the well known school that was UA high, he went there to enter the entrance exams and try to get in the school. He walked in with an emotionless expression on his face and just sat in the nearest seat. Soon after the room was completely filled with young people wanting to become heroes, and after that Present Mic entered the room to debrief everyone about how the entrance exam was going to work.

"Hello young heroes today will be the day where most of you will become actual heroes in training, but some of you will also fail. But not to worry we have different types of classes as well and otherwise you can try you're luck again next year or someplace else. Anyways the entrance exam will work like this." Present mic said as the board behind him showed four things with the numbers zero to three under them. "We have four different robots you can destroy for points, the one pointer is the weakest one but also gives the least points, the two pointer is the moderately strong one which gives of course two points and finally the three pointer which is the strongest and also gives the most points. Now any questions."

A boy with blue hair rose his hands up in a somewhat aggressive manor.

"Yes" Present mic basically screamed causing most people to grip their ears. "Oh sorry I forgot to speak softly" He said scratching the back of his head.

"Sir you described three robots but on the board there are four" The boy with blue hair pointed out.

"Indeed the last and final one is the zero pointer it's just an obstacle you should avoid" Present mic explained.

"Oh, ok thank you sir. But you the boy with the green hair stop mumbling that is disrespectful" He said to a boy with green hair who had been mumbling since almost the start of the explanation. 

"Oh sorry" The boy said while looking down embarrassed.

"Well anyway, everybody line up to you're gate numbers and after ten minutes we will begin" Present Mic said as everybody went to their gates and spread all across a whole city that was used as a training ground.

Akui was just walking to his gate slowly while inspecting everybody he could to see their features and weaknesses. As he arrived he noticed three people the guy with the blue hair, Izuku midoriya and katsuki bakugo. Although he really didn't care about them.

He moved to the front of everybody and just stood there waiting with his hands in his pockets. Suddenly a loud "Go" was heard through the speakers signaling the start of the exam.

Everybody ran to kill the first robots they saw. But in the blink of an eye Akui had appeared behind all of the robots shocking everybody especially the blue haired guy because Akui seemed even faster than him while he had a speed quirk. Just after Akui appeared all the robots behind him suddenly exploded as Akui just walked away with his hands in his pockets again. everyone was shocked until a blond boy snapped them all out of it.

"Who does he think he is does he think he is better than me just because of that, I'll show him true power" the blond screamed while being completly pissed.

"Where did you get that assumption from" Some guy with balls on his head said.

"Shut up you stupid midget go touch you're balls or something" He responded still being pissed. 

And with that the exam had officially began.

The teachers where all watching trough cameras and where all impressed by Akui's strength and speed as he kept destroying more and more robots sometimes Bakugo would steal some from in front of him to annoy Akui but it didn't work, which only angered him more.

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