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You had ended up waking up your boyfriend to tell him about what had happened, and he had given you the comfort that you had been so desperately eager for. "We can visit the shopkeeper tomorrow, ok? We may see what she knows... you will get your answers, my dear..." Eventually, you fell asleep, safe in Wingdings' arms. The next morning, you and the skeletons had a breakfast of egg sandwiches and spaghetti, courtesy of Papyrus, before you walked out with Walker and showed him to the shop you had gotten their crystals at. You two may have come a little too early, though, because upon entering, you were met with the strangest thing you'd seen yet. There was a water vortex in the middle of the store with a cloaked being emptying a bag of lapis, seeds, vials of green liquid, and other such oddities. "R-River?!" Walker sputtered, and the cloak and the shopkeeper turned to you both. A black, incorporeal hand raised, and a finger was pressed to nonexistent lips. "Tra la la, you saw nothing, Man Who Speaks in Hands. You will ruin the story." With that, they turned away and walked into the vortex before it disappeared as if it was never there.


"My, my, it seems you've caught me while I was resupplying my store. I am so very sorry. How may I help you?" The shopkeeper acted as if that hadn't just happened, idly wobbling about as she filled the shelves with her new goodies. You could see a million questions running through Walker's head, and you were much the same. "Let's start with who was that? Who are you? What are you? Who am I? What the hell is going on -" The poor woman looked overwhelmed with your questions before she chuckled. "That was River, a diety who watches over all things magic and supernatural. மந்திர தெய்வம் is their real name. As for me, I am simply Erza, an old Tortoise. And you? Well, come sit! Let old Erza tell you a tale as old and as true as time. Well... maybe not that old, but still!" You and Walker exchanged a look. A Tortoise? A tale? You both followed the strange, hunched over shopkeeper to the back where she made you sit down and brought you both tea and apples. "These are a favorite of my husband's. Now... where to begin..."


Erza hummed softly before she snapped her fingers. "Before the war, there was a clan, one single clan, of skeletons." Walker interrupted instantly. "My clan? The Human/Monster War?" Erza quickly waved him off. "Yes, yes! Now hush! Skeletons were a dying breed, unable to keep up with reproduction and getting overwhelmed by the rapidly growing human populations. Skeletons are a very ancient species, with a lifespan of upwards to 600 years. With the war over the horizon, my husband, River, and I decided that it was best to move the population to a new multiverse until things settled between the humans and monsters and I was elected to watch over this disguised skeleton town, Abratosh. Unfortunately, as time went on, the skeletons turned human started to interbreed with the natives of this multiverse... but you... you, my dear, are somehow still full-blooded... you may be the last skeleton born to this multiverse." They could hardly believe it... you could hardly believe it. You... were a skeleton. A monster. Like Walker and his sons. "B-but... Wingdings..."
"We couldn't get them all, dear... many that remainded died in the war." This was gonna take hella time to get used to.

Meeting Walker Duncan GasterWhere stories live. Discover now