Pet Project

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"Human, when are we going to retrieve the parts I need to escape this hell?" You blinked at him slowly. "Good morning to you too. How long have you been up?" Walker sipped some coffee he made for himself. "Since two in the morning trying to figure out the equations needed to get me back home. This was always a lot easier with Sans always double checking my work.." He grumbled as he stared down at the paper. As concerned as you were about Walker's sleeping habits, you were curious about who this 'Sans' was. "Sans a friend?"
"My son, actually." You head snapped up to stare at him. He tapped his pen against his notebook as he stared down at the paper. "He's my eldest son of two. He is intelligent beyond his years, doing calculus at the age of six... Papyrus is just a baby... I'm sure he never even realized what happened." Walker glanced up. "They are the reason I need to get home." You sighed lightly. Walker had sons, huh? You still didn't believe his monster story, but if this whatever he was making helped him at least contact his kids...


You pushed the cart around while Walker put things inside of it, most of the stuff you had no idea what it was or what it did, but Walker seemed to have every idea of what he was doing so you let him have at it. Where you an enabler? We're you enabling him to to continue with his general insanity? Maybe, but it was worth it. This is the first time you saw him excited. Maybe if you continued this, he'd actually call you by your name for once. Wouldn't that be nice? You chuckled at your own wishful thinking. That was just about as likely as him actually being a Skeleton with magic. It was never going to happen and Walker was more of that crazy roommate you kept around. "Come human! To the next isle!" You rolled your eyes as you trailed after him. Oh if your parents met this guy, they'd flip out. Probably call all the authorities available too. You shrugged the thought off. He was eccentric, crazy, and reckless... but not a totally bad guy. Sure he tried to kill you once but the situation had been confusing for you both. "To the checkout, human, pay attention." Walker tisked. He was still a pain though.


Taking everything into the basement was no fun task, but there was a big room down there that happened to be empty because you didn't know what to convert it into. So now it was Walker's project space. He didn't leave the room when it was all there so you left him to his pipes and wires and machinery stuff. You went to relax on the sofa and read for a bit, maybe watch a little something when your phone started ringing. Oh stars, now what? "Hello?" You answered the call. "Hello sweetheart, how's my little [N/N] today?" It was your dad. What a rarity for one of your parents to call. "Hey dad, what's the occasion? You have been silent forever now!" He chuckled into the phone. "Can I not call and see how my little girl is doing?" He defended while you smiled sadly. "We both know that isn't your style. What's up?" The other end went quiet for a minute. "Your mother and I have noticed you'd been purchasing some... interesting things? Now we don't mind if you have a boy over, just don't let yourself get hurt." Oh right, Walker's clothes. "Of course dad, I won't get hurt."
"Good, now I have to go." You nodded to your "Bye dad, lov-" He hung up...

Meeting Walker Duncan GasterWhere stories live. Discover now