Words were Said..

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"What the hell were you thinking?!" You smacked the tall man upside the head as you both left the police station. "Attack me again, human, I dare you." Wingdings glowered at you to which you matched his glare with one of your own. "You have no idea what just happened, do you? Did the iron bars not say enough?! You were about to get locked up for a long time! You do not assault people Walker! What were you even doing out anyway, you obviously know nothing of how society works!" You ranted as you pushed him to your vehicle. What was up with this guy? He really should know these sorts of things. Was he raised under a rock or something? You were still very skeptical of his little 'he's a living Skeleton monster' story so maybe he'd lived an extremely sheltered life? You just didn't know yet. "Walker?" As he climbed in, upon your insistence, he scoffed out the name. "Nobody would ever believe your name is actually Wingdings. Just go with it." You grumbled, closing the door behind him and heading over to the driver's side. "Don't do this again. I won't save you next time if you do.."


You started breakfast immediately, Walker behind you as he watched on unamused. "You know I'm trying to get a break from you, right?" You asked rhetorically. "I care not. Teach me about your world so I can get out of here." You decided not to look at the annoying prick that was Walker. "Not right now, Walker. You need to think about what you've done." Walker crossed his arms and scowled. "You're punishing me." You nodded. "Yes." He grabbed your shoulder, twisting you around. "I am not a child!"
"Then stop acting like one! Stop being stubborn and stupid! Stop throwing fits and stop sneaking out in the middle of the night!" You snapped at him, backing him into the kitchen's island. He blinked at you, startled. You weren't just angry... you were worried. You sighed and turned back to your cooking. "Why don't you go to the living room and watch something while I finish breakfast, Walker." The man hesitated and he left. You were a little surprised by his lack of sass, but at least you were getting the break that you needed to cool down. You bit your lip as you thought on the mornings events. Were you too harsh?


Not for the first time since he fell into this world, Walker's thoughts were on his sons. Sans and Papyrus were all alone in their world, probably lost and scared. He wanted to go back to them, he desperately wanted to see them and make sure they were ok. He couldn't do that though without learning this world's rules. He was going to have to rely on you to learn. He was being an impatient fool. He truly didn't like humans, and you were no exception, but at the moment you were his only ally. He had no choice but to play nice until he got what he needed and ditched your world. It could all just be one big stupid nightmare... "Hey Walker... I made eggs and toast." You handed him a plate and sat down yourself. "... I'm sorry I yelled and I'm sorry I called you names. That was wrong of me." Walker looked at you and sighed feeling stupid for having to apologize to a human. "I apologize for acting so recklessly and speaking so rudely. I was impatient and will try to be, uh, friendlier in the future." You gave him a small smile.

Meeting Walker Duncan GasterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon