A New Status?

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Walker was doing better, taking care of himself at least. It's been three months now and sometimes after a meal break, Walker let you stick around to watch him work. He couldn't be bothered with your presence anymore, besides... he missed having a curious mind around. Although you didn't ask, he started to explain the workings of the machine anyway and how it was supposed to get him back home. A lot of it didn't make any sense to you, but you listened awayway. "So what is the power source?" You questioned. "Whatever large source of power you have. Preferably something natural." You hummed thoughtfully. "I have a propane tank." You offered. "That's the closest I have to anything natural." Walker tilted his head. "Very well, I can make it work." He decided. "Hey Walker." He pushed his hair out of his face. "Now what?" You went behind him as you gathered his hair and started to tie it up with a ponytail. "There, now your hair won't be in the way." He lightly touched your work. "What a convenient little contraption... thank you [Y/N]." Your eyes widened. He actually called you by your name... "You're welcome Wingdings." You responded.


You were finally getting somewhere with him, it was about time. You couldn't get it out of your head, him saying your name for the first time. Honestly, you didn't think you were ever gonna hear it. Did this mean he finally respected you? Were you friends? Walker was a hard man to figure out, you never knew what he was actually thinking. So your relationship with him was... well, you didn't know what he thought of you now. You supposed for you, he was like a friend you were finally getting to know, rather than the crazy man you found in your garage. Walker came upstairs at the agreed curfew that he needed to sleep. "Would you assist me tomorrow in attaching the power source to my machine? I believe after a few more tweaks, I will finally be able to return home." You paused. Right. He was still leaving. "Yeah, of course I will." You still didn't know how the machine would take him home, but he still needed to get back to his sons. "Good night [Y/N], sleep well, for we have a big day tomorrow."
"You as well!" Why did you feel jealous?


The next morning you made breakfast for yourself and Walker while said man was in the shower. You made him something you thought he'd enjoy with his coffee, breakfast  burritos. Walker came out of the shower not long after you fixed the plates and put the sauces and syrups on the table. "What's this?" You shrugged. "Well, sense this might be our last day together, I thought it could go out with a bang! So I made breakfast burritos. To celebrate you going home." Walker was throughly startled. "I always thought you despised me for my less than friendly demeanor." You shook your head. "Sure your a pain a lot of the time, but I consider us... friends."
"Friends..." He repeated quietly. A small smile formed pleasantly on his face. "I do not have very many of those, for I am not a people person, but you [Y/N], will be my first and only human friend ever. You are the only exception." Coming from Walker, you knew that meant a lot. "Thank you... let's eat and get you home, yeah?" The Skeleton turned Human hummed in reply. "Yes indeed. I am quite excited to see my boys again!"

Meeting Walker Duncan GasterWhere stories live. Discover now