Finally, Progress

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Not what you were expecting, but ok. Seemed you were going to be cheering him up now. "Ok, you're definitely done some things while you were here, but isn't calling yourself a monster a little far-"
"NO HUMAN!" He snapped out, still slightly panicked. "I am- I was- a living, breathing Skeleton monster!" He hissed out. Oh boy, you were in way over your head. Maybe if you just went with it, he would stop trying to kill you at least. You took a breath. In. Out. Ok. "Say I believe you. What's your name? How did you get here?" You questioned him, making him narrow his eyes. "What makes you think I'll tell you anything?" Police station, mental institution, police station, mental institution? You debated in your head, deciding that you were done with this game and he needed some SERIOUS help. "Well, monsters don't exist here, so you're probably in a new world, right? You don't know how it works. I can show you, maybe help you get back.." The crazy man paused, thinking. "... I despise that you have a point, human. I will need assistance living in this world while I work on a way back home."


With that mess sorted out, you made breakfast, well it would be brunch now, for... whatever his name was, seeing as he refused to tell you anything until his 'meat sack' was sustained. In other words he was hungry. Earlier you were positive that you were gonna ship him off but now that you were making progress... you were really starting to wonder who the insane one was here. You or him. "Here, some toast and a bowl of cereal... do you know how to you a sp-"
"I am well aware of how to use cutlery, thank you." You said shortly as he started on the cereal. Before long, he cleared out his bowl and moved onto the toast. He looked deep in though, almost sad, though you didn't want to make him mad again. "... very well. I suppose now I must hold to my end of this little bargain. My name is Wingdings Gaster. I am the Royal Scientist in my world. That is ALL you need to know." Right. Royal Scientist. Great.. "O-ok then. I'm [Y/N]... [Y/N] [L/N]. I kinda just house sit for money." You've had jobs before, none of which were interesting. Wingdings Gaster rolled his eyes. "Great, your useless." Great he's still attitudinal.


"Useless... who the hell does he think he is.." You muttered under your breath as you set up a room for Mr, oh excuse me, Dr. Gaster. Yeah, you were in a bit of a mood now. You'd been helping him and yourself all morning. So you weren't 'useless'. Luckily now was your time to take a break from him. He couldn't get far, locked in those cuffs so he was stuck with the Discovery channel downstairs. It should be informative for him. "Human!" You ignored him at first, in favor of finishing up in tidying up. "Human get down here!" You slumped, groaning. "I'm coming doc!" One thing you learned quickly, despite his name supposedly being Wingdings, he hated it. He was already a headache to begin with so you just went with it for now. You headed downstairs to see a rather uncomfortable and annoyed looking Wingdings on the couch. "I believe myself to be going through my first stages of the urination process and need to be led to where it is done." You stared at Wingdings for a moment before screwing up your face in disgust. "One, have you ever heard of tmi?"
"No, but I don't see the relevance."
"Two... uhg, never mind, just give me a moment."
"But how do I-"
"YOU'RE A SCIENTIST, FIGURE IT OUT YOURSELF!!" You snapped in embarrassment.

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