Comic Sans and Papyrus Gaster

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You were surprised that Sans was the first to wake up. You and Walker had taken both the boys to bedrooms in the house and Walker had cleaned Sans up. "They are definitely your sons." You'd said to Walker. "But why the white hair?" Your boyfriend had chuckled. "The miracle of genetics." Walker replied. Then Sans had woke up. His response was very... Walker-like to say the least. Sans shot up and tried to attack with magic that he couldn't channel. "h u m a n s." Walker intercepted rather quickly. "Sans! Sans calm down!" He held the much shorter Sans to the bed as he struggled. "how do you know my name-" Sans froze as he got a good look at his father. Even if Walker looked human, there was no mistaking his heterochromic eyes... his scars. "d-dad...?" Walker sighed. "This world cannot support our original forms, so we look like humans. I'm going to let you go now, ok Sans?" Sans blinked owlishly and dragged Walker into a hug. "y-you're alive!" He sobbed. You... decided to go check on Papyrus. They needed some alone time. Both as father and son and so you wouldn't die.


Papyrus reaction was much different when he woke up. He'd sat up groggily, rubbed his orange eyes, and beamed. "A HUMAN!" He gasped before frowning. "Are you a nice human?" You smiled at him. "Yes I am. I'm [Y/N]." You greeted. He was quick to smile again. "OK, THAT'S GOOD! HELLO HUMAN [Y/N], I'M PAPYRUS!" Papyrus must've taken after the mother, because this was a lot different from Sans and Walker. In a good way. "Are you hungry Papyrus?" He nodded and literally hopped out of bed. "OH YES, PLEASE DO TAKE ME TO YOUR KITCHEN!" You made a gesture. "This way Pap, and don't be startled that your appearance has changed, you look more humany now. "I'M A HUMAN NOW?! WOWIE!" Well... that went well. As soon as you got the youngest Skeleton turned human to the kitchen, he was in his element. He asked a few questions about what was where, otherwise in hardly no time as all he was making what looked to be spaghetti. "A pasta fan huh, I'll keep that in mind!" Yeah, you definitely liked Papyrus already. He was pretty damn cool.


Walker brought Sans in when they smelled the sauce. Papyrus wouldn't let you help cook the meal, but he did allow you to help set the table as the eldest two came in. You could feel Sans staring holes into your back. He was definitely his father's son. "THANK YOU FOR YOUR ASSISTANCE HUMAN [Y/N]! YOU ARE A GOOD HUMAN INDEED!" You chuckled lightly, rubbing your neck. "Th-thank you Papyrus..." Walker gently cleared his throat and you smiled up at your boyfriend. "Nice to see you and Pap getting along."
"Yeah, he wouldn't let me help in the kitchen, but he's pretty cool!" You replied. "of course he's cool, he's papyrus." Sans sauntered by, still watching you with tired, weary, blue and blind eyes- wait he was blind in one of his eyes? The right eye to be specific. It was almost completely clouded and milky white. You... didn't want to know what happened. You all took your seats. "Walker?" He paused from tying up his hair. "Hm?"
"It's only been a year... how are your kids already adults?" You asked. "... what was one year in this world had been eighteen for us. it seems time flows faster in our world." Sans replied for him. "Oh. Makes sense."

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