One Year

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This was it. You woke up with Walker by your side, rather than in your garage. It had officially been one year today that Walker had broke into your life. You couldn't be happier about it. You nuzzled into his black pajama as he held you close. You hummed quietly. His grip tightened a little on you as he leaned in. "Good morning, lovely~" He whispered. "Happy one year here, baby~" You responded back. "One year already?" Walker 'huh'ed. "Time flies. We're you counting down?" There was no way you could've known that. "Mmmmaybe. It's a special day though. We need to celebrate!" You chirped as you hugged onto him tighter. He chuckled and kissed you. "How about dinner tonight? Sound reasonable?" You smiled brightly. "Sounds like a date!" Walker detached from you in favor of getting up. "I'll be in the shower if you need me. I want to be clean for this home date of ours."
"Dates don't just have to be outings, I think... anyway I'll probably be in the other shower anyway!" You weren't at the point of showering together, you'd only been dating a week or so.


After showers and breakfast, you and Walker decided to spend time in the basement, trying to figure out a portal back. "So the way the magic of your worlds C.O.R.E, is flowing is what's keeping you out?" You asked for confirmation. "Yes. The C.O.R.E pushes negative magic out. Trying to push myself back in is like swimming against a rivers current. If the C.O.R.E were to be temporary shut down or reversed, only then would I be able to go back. That is the newest theory, anyway..." You frowned. "Which means you would need help from the other side in order to go home..." Walker nodded slowly. "Yes.. I have been trying to get in contact by channeling my magic into the Waterfall Crystal you gave me, but I'm not sure if it's been working." You sighed. "I'm sorry, Walker..." He smiled and wrapped his arm around you. "It's alright, my dear... it may happen... someday..." You leaned into Walker. "We will be ready when it happens... you will get back to your sons." You promised. "I certainly hope so."
"In the meantime, you have me." He chuckled. "Indeed I do." You hummed in content. "Start dinner?"
"Might as well." Walker agreed. You both left the basement.


You'd just set the table with two bowls of homemade chili, a new recipe you and Walker both wanted to try out. Cups of milk accompanied the meal, crackers to dip into the bowls, shredded cheese and sour cream set out to top the meals. You were both so eager to dig in! Then it happened. A crash sounded from the other room. The boy who crashed into your living room couldn't be any older than eighteen, adorning a black long-sleeved shirt and black jeans with a blue belt and gold belt buckle. He wore a white vest that was red on the inside with gold trim. He also had on red gloves, boots, and a scarf. What was interesting though was his white hair. Was it natural? No sooner than you found him did another crash sounded, once again behind you. A second guy, this one at least twenty-four, crashed into your kitchen table, landing on what was going to be a glorious meal. He sported a white t-shirt, basketball pants, a blue jacket, and pink slippers with socks. Like the other he had white hair. They both reminded you unbelievably of Walker. He seemed to believe the same. "Sans?! Papyrus?!"

Meeting Walker Duncan GasterKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat