"I feel the same right now. It's just that my stalking ability is very good." Chris breathed out, taking in every tiny details on the other's face standing this close. The moles that were not visible from far, minute blemishes, fading pimple marks, baby beard growing back and tinting cheeks.

He could worship the boy all his life.

"I am not gonna be offended by that subtle insult." Cyrus spoke holding his chin up making the other chuckle.

"So, finally going to say or ask me something?" Chris questioned, green eyes locking with the black ones.

"Wanna go on a date?" An instant nod.

"With me?" Chris shook his head at the other's silly questions but nodded anyway.

"Today?" Chris squinted his eyes at the other.

"Cannot wait to know you." Cyrus reasoned smiling at the boy, a genuine interest beaming through his eyes which made the other blush with overwhelming feeling.

For how long had he waited for this? And to finally be able to experience it in real, felt nothing like a dream. It felt even bigger, surreal.

"I would love to."

And they had gone to a nearby park carrying two throw away cups of hot chocolates that evening after the college ended,thankfully the snowing was not that harsh that day. And chatted away until late night before exchanging numbers through which they kept continuous tabs about each other.

Then after a week, yesterday,Chris had casually threw in a thought about how he would like to enjoy the night life at a club with the other for which Cyrus excitedly agreed and now were sitting in one.

Cyrus sighed, dreamy eyes locked on the silver haired boy who was now thanking the waitress after placing an order for both.

Once she was gone, Cyrus let out "You are so beautiful and handsome Chris."

Heart fluttering in his chest, the latter waved off the other in shyness.

They chatted for couple more minutes as they recieved their order and continued talking about nothing and everything as they slipped in and out of silent starings at each other before finally finishing with their food.

Along the way they both had downed two bottle of hot drinks each, now feeling slightly tipsy but not enough to black out or not be aware of their actions. Tipsy enough to let themselves loose and enjoy the night.

Dance floor was filled up with drunk people as the chill music was upped to a funky beat while the night seeped past twelve.

Cyrus took the younger boy to the dance floor, standing face to face, both bopped their heads following the beats, as their hands and legs moved accordingly.

It started with a fun dance of enjoyment and eased into a wild, sensual flow as Cyrus turned around pressing his back against the other's chest.

Chris head fell into the other's neck, afraid of letting out any non public noises when he felt the tatooed boy pushing against his lower half, practically grinding on the boy as his head fell back against Chris's shoulder while his arms rested on the other's, which was gripping his hip.

Both minds were fogged as they had closed their eyes and lost themselves in each other's arms. Unable to control himself silver haired boy pressed his rose tinted lips to the base of the boy's neck who hummed in delight,forgetting he was between people. Before they could move any further, the songs slowed into a romantic jazz perhaps setting the mood for couples.

Smiling drowsily as their foggy minds cleared slowly,Cyrus was turned to face the green eyes, stunningly gazing at his own with the care, affection and the world of love that he was deprived off from all the people he had previously been with.

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