[CH. 0018] - The Chair

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"It felt like five hours!" - Kirara

Her room was a haven of youthful imagination. Pink hues bathed the walls, while a closet decorated with daisies stood against one side. Plushies and Barbies took residence on wooden shelves. A dollhouse crafted meticulously from wood displayed intricate rooms that would fit the lives of her ragged dolls perfectly. Dressed in cotton onesies and a messy ponytail, Nord sat on the floor, engrossed in her art—creating seas with crayons and folded paper boats that would "sail" from one drawing to another.

Just then, the soft but firm sound of hooves tapping against wood filled the air. The sound was strange, yet soothing. Puzzled, Nord lifted her eyes from her artwork. Her eyes widened in pure wonder at the sight before her. She didn't utter a word, fearing that any noise might scare away the magnificent creature. Carefully rising from the floor, she reached out with an innocent, almost reverent touch to stroke the creature's pristine white fur.

"Are you a unicorn?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

The unicorn responded in its own way, leaning its head gently against her shoulder. The connection was palpable, a silent communion that needed no words. Nord grinned, feeling a warmth spread from where the unicorn's fur touched her skin to the depths of her heart.

"I'll take the silence as a yes."

Nord's eyes fluttered open, roused by a soft caress on her cheek. A familiar face leaned over her, eyes filled with relief.

"Are you awake?" Adamastor's voice was tinged with concern.

"What time is it?" she mumbled, her words slurring together slightly.

"It's past noon. I was getting worried."

"I slept until now?" she said, still fighting off the last tendrils of sleep as her eyes met Adamastor's pale, anxious face.

"I think you needed it. But now, I'm concerned—you haven't eaten anything."

"I had a strange dream," she said, changing the topic, her eyes narrowing in thought.

"What was it about?"

"I think I dreamt of a unicorn that I believed I'd seen as a kid. I got into so much trouble for it at home. My mother slapped me so hard when I told her about it," Nord recounted, piecing the fragments of her dream back together.

Adamastor nodded sympathetically. "I can understand that. No one wants a visit from an Allatori."

"Allatori? Is that another word for unicorns?" she teased, lifting an eyebrow.

"No, but unicorns are one form of an Allatori," Adamastor explained, brushing strands of her hair away from her face with a tender hand.

Nord stared at him, intrigued and puzzled. Her dream, Adamastor's explanation, and the events of the previous night all seemed to intertwine into an intricate web, leaving her with more questions than answers.

"Okay... you're making it sound ominous," Nord said, her eyes narrowing at Adamastor's cryptic words.

"They only show up when a catastrophic event is about to happen or to those who will cause it." Nord chuckled and sat up straight, "So what, I'm some sort of impending doom?"

"You made some rather strong declarations yesterday," Adamastor replied cautiously.

"What did I say?" Nord asked.

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