[CH. 0006] - The Arrival

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Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality. - Edgar Allan Poe

"Are you okay?" Adamastor's voice intruded upon Nord's swirling thoughts.

Nord's contemplation was momentarily broken, and she met Adamastor's concerned gaze. "Yeah, I guess," she responded with a touch of detachment. "It's just that nothing here seems to belong to me, or at least that's what I remember. It's baffling that I didn't pack essentials like clothes, makeup or a toothbrush! And this phone... It's the only thing that feels familiar. It might help me reach Bobby."

"Bobby?" Adamastor inquired, clearly intrigued.

Nord's lips curved into a wistful smile. "My apprentice. He should be at the convention already. Damn it! This was meant to be our big debut."

A plan began to form as she continued, "But right now, what I need most is a bath and some decent clothing. If that's possible."

A helpful offer emerged from Adamastor, "I can fetch some clothes from Rosie. She wouldn't mind."

Nord's response was tinged with practicality, "I was hoping for something that... you know, something that doesn't carry the scent of the grim reaper... If you've got trousers and a shirt, even if old, that would be perfect."

As Nord collected her trinkets and stowed them back into the suitcase, the logistics of her temporary lodging came into focus. "And where's the bathroom?" Nord queried, eager for a change of scene.

Adamastor gestured to the upper floor, his piercing eyes making contact with hers as he began to explain. "First floor, third door on your right. You can't miss it. If you want warm water, just make sure to initiate the stove."

"Stove?" she questioned, perplexed. Her eyes flickered with doubt as if she were mentally preparing for another obstacle.

Adamastor chuckled, the sound tinged with a certain excitement she couldn't quite place. "Trust me, you'll figure it out. It's straightforward enough. Now, I'll head into town. Need to make arrangements for Rosie's funeral and maybe gather some resources."

The mention of Rosie's funeral dimmed the brightness in his eyes for a split second. Still, it was quickly replaced with that strange anticipation again. "Then we see where things go from there, right?"

She nodded, still unsure about the odd gleam in Adamastor's eyes. Was it excitement for the trip into town or something else she couldn't quite grasp?

Serve to bring to effect and to grant things which are contrary unto the order of Nature; and which are not contained under any other head

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Serve to bring to effect and to grant things which are contrary unto the order of Nature; and which are not contained under any other head. They easily give answer, but they can with difficulty be seen. - Baal Berith

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