Ryder: Who was it?

Mayor Goodway: You'd have to see her to believe me, let's just say it was a vampire pup!

Ryder: Vampires aren't really Mayor Goodway?

Terra: (stretches her legs upward to be on screen) I take offense to that!

Ryder: Sorry Terra, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings in any way!

Terta: (giggles) Aww, I'm just teasing Ryder! (returns to normal shape)

Mayor Goodway: So could you and the other pups lend an extra paw Ryder?

Ryder: We'd be happy to lend a few extra paws, please tell Marshall, Rubble, and Everest to stay there Mayor Goodway!

Mayor Goodway: (nods) Will do, Ryder!

(both sides hang up)

Ryder: (to pups) Paw Patrol, to the Lookout!

(scene splits into four showing Ryder, Zuma, Skye, and Chase)

Pups: Ryder needs us!

(scene with Chase enlarges)

Chase: (running beside Skye) (to Skye) At least Marshall isn't here to trip us at the elevator! (trips on his food bowl) Whoa! (crashes into Skye)

Skye: (surprised) Whoa! Oof!

(scene changes to Rocky and Zuma in the elevator)

Rocky: Say, seems roomier than usual?

Zuma: Yeah dude, where's everybody else?

Mirage: (walks out from behind Zuma) Hi!

Rocky and Zuma: (surprised) Mirage!?

Mirage: (reveals a big pie)

Rocky: What's that pie for?

Mirage: Splat!

Zuma: (confused) Splat?

Rocky: Permission to get behind you, Mirage?

Mirage: Sure Rocky!

(Rocky sits behind Mirage)

Chase and Skye: (come rolling toward the others) (shouts) Lookout!

Zuma: Well isn't this quite a change of entry gags!

Mirage: Yep!

Skye and Chase: (rolling toward Mirage's big pie) Oh boy, incoming pie!

(the twosome crash into the pie making it go splat)

Skye and Chase: Oof!

Skye: (licks herself) Ooh! Pup treat pie!

Chase: (chuckles) (licks himself) Yummy!

Zuma and Rocky: Leave some for us!

(the pups enjoy Mirage's pup treat pie surprise as the elevator goes up and the pups go past the badge in uniform with Mirage between Zuma and Spy Chase)

(pups line up in front of Ryder)

Chase: Paw Patrol, ready for action, Ryder sir! Well... two thirds anyway?

Ryder: (looks closer at Chase and Skye) Hm? Mirage did a pie related joke, I assume?

Chase: I kinda tripped and crashed into Skye which resulted in both of us rolling toward the elevator!

Skye: To be honest, it was really funny and yummy with Mirage arriving with a pie to cushion us!

Zuma: Where's Marshall and Rubble, Ryder?

Paw Patrol Odyssey 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें