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"This is nice

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"This is nice. I haven't been out in public since I left rehab. I feel cut off from the world." Layla said as they all sat in the Beverly Cafè.

"Like you've been living in a bubble? From the podcast." Olivia said but she got only one reaction which was from Sevyn meaning her friends weren't listening to her podcast.


"I wanted to listen together. It's on my list." Asher lied.

"My WiFi is down." Spencer lied.

"I've listened to it Livvy," Sevyn told her.

"You know what? Whatever." Olivia said to Spencer and Asher making Sevyn laugh.

"So let me catch you up on what's happened since you've been gone. OK. Let's see. Uh... JJ's president, he tried to join the black student union and we denied him." Sevyn told her with a laugh.

"Oh. Stop. No. That's enough. I don't want to live in this scary new world. Maybe I should just check myself back in." Layla said with a chuckle.

"No. Don't you dare. You're coming to our cotillion." Olivia told her not giving her a chance to deny it.

"I cannot believe you're excited for a fancy ball now Sevyn I get but you Liv this is new," Layla said to Olivia.

"Who said I was excited? I mean, if I have to try on one more pair of frilly white gloves, I will cut my hands off in protest." Olivia said making Sevyn laugh.

"I love it the dress, the pearls, the gloves all of it," Sevyn said with a smile.

"You would still need gloves for the stumps, though, right?" Spencer asked jokingly.

"That's true. No?" Asher started, "Hey, she's been dreading this thing since she heard about it."

"Why? I think it's gonna be fun. We can, like, all go together."

"I wish, but Spencer, Asher, Sev, and I have to be there early to line up for the official presentation," Olivia said.

Looking over to Spencer confused Layla asked, "Why do you have to be there?"

"Uh, Kia didn't have an escort, so I told her I'd go," Spencer told her.

"Oh. That'll be fun." Layla said but they could tell she was a bit bothered.

"My escort and I will be dancing to the violin version of Unthinkable by Alicia Keys," Sevyn told Layla.

"Nice Sev," Layla said with a smile.

"It sounds so good and just wait until you see me and Asher's rendition of "Beauty and the Beast," Olivia told Layla.

"Wait. Who's who?" Asher asked, pointing between the two of them.

"Uh, you're definitely the Beast, but only because you've been working out so much," Olivia said with a laugh.

"Definitely Beast," Sevyn said.

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