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"It is hot as hell out here

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"It is hot as hell out here. I might as well be naked out here," Sevyn said while putting sunscreen on her arms.

"I don't think Uncle Ant would like seeing you on all of the blogs," Olivia said with a smirk.

"Girl fuck the shaderoom unless they talking about other people," Sevyn said.

"Look at Jordan." Olivia pointed causing Sevyn to take her eyes off her phone and look.

"Look at him being a whore, I hope he doesn't catch anything," Sevyn said while shaking her head.

"OK. Um, that hookup is new." Layla said as she walked over to Sevyn and Olivia who were sitting on the beach chairs watching Jordan and his latest fling.

"Today, it's Jasmine." Olivia started.

"Two days ago, it was Reagan," Sevyn added.

"And last week Crystala," Olivia said.

"Wow. Go, Jordan." Layla praises.

"It's like his way of dealing with our family drama is by creating his own gross version of "the bachelor'," Olivia says causing Sevyn to laugh.

For winter break Laura, and the twins headed up to Lake Tahoe to try to escape from their problems or at least try to pretend nothing was wrong. Jordan was the one out of the three who showed it was affecting him and he used girls as an outlet.

"He's QB-1 on a championship-winning team. He's just taking advantage of his new celeb status. He's fine." Layla tells them.

"I wouldn't call it that. He's having sex with anyone willing to, but what he needs to do is make sure he's wrapping it up because next thing you know some girl might show up pregnant and I'm not ready to be an auntie." Sevyn told them causing Olivia to give Sevyn a look of disgust.

"So you've been a hard person to reach over winter break." Olivia looks over at Layla changing the topic she did not want to think about her brother getting someone pregnant.

"Um, you were the one who disappeared to Lake Tahoe with your mom and Jordan and not to mention Sevyn got on a plane and traveled," Layla said.

"Magically, phones still work up there," Olivia told Layla causing Sevyn to nod her head.

"And I had good service in Jamaica, do not play with me, Layla," Sevyn added as she looked at Layla over her sunglasses.

"Oh. Ok."

"I mean, we left you messages. We were worried about you." Olivia tells her.

"I'm great." Layla smiles.

"Layla, you had a breakdown after the game. I mean you tore up your house." Sevyn reminded her. She and Olivia tried to be there for Layla and was still trying to but Layla had acted completely normal about it, like it had never happened.

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