chapter 7 "The ghostly one night stand"

Start from the beginning

I pulled my clothes back on, leaving my feet bare, this was no time for high heels at all, I needed to use my feet properly. I tied my hair up with a spare hair tie that was hanging up on a hook, mentally thinking whoever thought of this.

I stared at my reflection one more time, "shit....I don't have a mask...or my phone, this isn't good" I gritted to myself annoyed with leaving it behind.

Slowly I made my way out of the bedroom making sure that mutt was still asleep, his scent was still so delicious but my fear of being caught and taken to his pack house as a trophy mate was way more prevalent.

Slowly making my way to the door I peek my eye through the peephole.

"Shit" I whispered softly, spotting two high ranking guards outside the door, so that exit plan was out the window fast.

Wait....window! Of course!

I tiptoed over to the balcony, slipping past the curtains and onto a large balcony, it was clear now we were pretty high up, probably the top floor.

I didn't want to stick around to find out though.

I looked down, spotting rows of balconies below me, I bounced myself over the railing and dangled down, getting myself as low as possible before dropping to the other balcony.

Using my body momentum to swing to safety.

My legs were screaming at me as pain shot up both of them, I hiss sucking in a sharp breath limping my way to the edge to repeat the process.

"Oh I'm going to cut off his fucking penis for this....filthy mutt" I muttered bitterly as I dropped again.

Slowly making my way down repeating the cycle of pain, muttering, dropping down, landing and being in pain again. It took way longer than I would have liked but eventually I managed to drop to the ground floor.

Along the way I ended up stealing a hoodie left on the railing

Sorry not sorry wolf stranger but I need this, it'll mask my scent too, if I smelled like someone else it would be harder to track me.

Besides I needed to hide the outfit I was in and hide my face, who knows how much he remembers, I just hope it's not much and he can't send out my face to his whole damn pack and the rest of the continent.

Thankfully walking down these streets no one paid much attention to me, I just needed to make my way to a safe house or a phone booth.

If I called Robin I know he could track the call and have someone pick me up.

I got a few odd looks, probably from how I smelled and looked. I kept my head low, hiding my face as much as possible. I didn't want to be seen, I didn't want anyone to see my face and learn what I looked like.

'No more nights more drinking and no more stupid games, never again, this was a mistake, a foolish drunken mistake....I'm so glad I'm on birth control' I thought to myself walking quickly.


My feet were sore from all this walking, I was hungry too and I didn't know how much longer I'd be able to go without either vomiting or passing out.

I ended up taking a break sitting on a bench in some shade. I must have been in a quiet section because I didn't see that many wolves, or humans, I could spot the difference, slightly different anatomy.

It had only been maybe 45 minutes, but I was exhausted, especially after last night.

I just sat there leaning into my knees thinking he'd wake up sooner or later, and once he did he'd definitely notice my scent, I didn't even know what I smelled like.

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