42.Pain of Real Love😔

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Author's pov:

Jeongguk woke up with a pounding head ache

And the first thing he heard was Vishaka's sniffles.

Jeongguk's hooded eyes stared at Vishaka who is standing before the mirror with her pyjama shirt pulled up.

Vishaka traced her flat Stomach
sniffling while looking at the mirror

Vishaka broke down to her knees crying and slapped herself repeatedly,for doing the worst mistake ever.

Jeongguk's eyes brimmed with tears as he saw Vishaka crying badly


The days passed by Taehyung trying to approach Vishaka,but Vishaka is not coming out of the room and Jeongguk coming back home fully drunk

Nearly a month has passed and Taesha's engagement date is in 4 days,but the whole family is still gloomy.

As the Same,Jeongguk today also walked back to his room fully drunk.

He laid next to Vishaka after removing his shirt and slumped down on his back

Jeongguk huffed moving the sheets from Vishaka and caressed her tummy

Vishaka slowly woke up feeling the touch on her stomach,she pushed the tattooed hand away from her and glared at Jeongguk

"Dont touch me"She said sternly and turned to the other side

Jeongguk chuckled darkly and threw his head back ruffling his hair.

"first time i am hearing this,

The times I always touch you,you would be like ahh hubby don't,no
Mmm"Jeongguk mimicked Vishaka's moans chuckling

Vishaka sat up and began to beat him with the pillow

Jeongguk chuckled mimicking her moans

Jeongguk rolled over on the bed trying to defend her but Vishaka is wriggling under him beating him with her fist.

Jeongguk chuckled running around the bed, Vishaka followed him holding the pillow

Jeongguk stepped out and stood on the hall giggling and mimicked her moans

Vishaka's cheeks blushed deep red as she ran behind him cursing at him

Taehyung who walked out of the Kitchen stared at this scene with wide eyes.

Jungkook who is sitting on the couch waiting for taehyung,also has his eyes widened

"fck you!"Vishaka screamed hitting him with the pillow sitting on his stomach..

While Jeongguk is just laughing and teasing her

Jeongguk rolled her down in the mat.

Vishaka bit on his chest, pinching his biceps and Jeongguk gripped her waist nuzzling his face in her neck harshly.

Vishaka is focused on hitting him and biting him,that she didn't notice how Jeongguk unbuttoned her shirt and wrapped his lips around her nip'ples and sucked on her chest

Jeongguk squeezed her chest and groped it sucking on her nip'ple hungrily,

Vishaka moaned and pushed him away in a minute

She buttoned her shirt glaring at him.

Jeongguk licked his lips,winked F her and wobbled his way inside.

"Fcker"Vishaka mumbled getting up.


Jeongguk as usual doesn't remember Last night that much but he can sense that Vishaka's glares are more intense now.

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