27 - Wildfire

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"Best bar in town, by far." A girl gushed to her friend as they stumbled past me into a waiting car. I ignored their appreciative looks. They were the last of the stragglers, going home to their waiting beds. I fought the urge not to interject with my own boasts. My girl planned this whole fucking bar. She's in there running it like she was born to do it. Her staff love her, work hard and she keeps them in line with a savage smile. My girl can do it all. But instead, I leaned against my bike and waited. Teddy, the security gave me a sidelong look. He was a beefy, tattooed guy and I might have liked him except that I knew he wanted Jade. She wouldn't touch him, not out of loyalty to me, but because she refused to mix business and pleasure.

"I can walk her to her place." He crossed his arms over his chest. "You don't need to come here every night. It's not your job."

It's not your job either. I wanted to snap back instead I just stared until Teddy bounced on his toes. Nothing puts someone on edge more than silence. I settled in, legs hiked over my bike until Jade closed up and bounced out of the club. Teddy gave her an appraising look, migrating to her side.

"Hey Teddy, what are you still doing here? I let the others go out the back." Jade was a helluva good boss. Pride warmed my chest like a furnace. Teddy flicked me an irritated look when I swung my leg off my bike and sauntered over to Jade.

"It's late and there's been some rough characters hanging around. You need an escort back to your place?"

I didn't like the implication he knew where Jade lived, or that they were close enough he felt he could offer it. Or the way her hand flittered up to pat his thick forearm. I didn't have the right to be possessive, which is why I seethed in silence. Jade still hadn't looked at me once, although I knew she knew I was there. Waiting like I always was, unless I was on a run.

"You are such a gentleman, thank you. But Mission has me covered. See you tomorrow night." Jade gave him another pat and wandered around the corner and down the dark alleyway. I couldn't help but shoot Teddy a smug smile as I passed him.

I've got you covered all day and all night, wildcat.

Her boots echoed down the alleyway as I fought to catch up with her.

"I'm not ready to go to sleep. I'm going to change real quick and we can go to Sleepless Knights. Suit you?" She hovered on the steps up to her apartment with a raised eyebrow.

"It's a Saturday night. What do you think?" I chuckled as she danced on the step. "I'll wait out here. Give you a ride there." But her hand shot out and gripped my collar. A cheeky smile crept over her face.

"Why don't you give me a ride right now?" She bit her lip, making it clear what she meant. Jade didn't have to ask me twice, and I joined her in the shower before we left. I told myself the small parts she gave me were enough, that I would wait as long as it took. But it was becoming harder and harder not to feel like this was real. Especially when Jade touched me like she used to. Playful, exuberant and fiery. On the bike ride to the club, her hands drifted between my thighs. Brushing against the denim with teasing fingers. When I wriggled, enjoying the soft touch too much, she laughed. The wind whipped the joyful sound away like a thief. For a moment, I considered taking the road out of town, making this ride last forever. My bike between my legs, my girl at my back. There was no moon tonight, but the shadows felt like companions rather than strangers. The world narrowed itself to the roar in my ears and Jade's arms around my waist. I could live in this moment forever. But I didn't go. I pulled into the bar and wandered in after Jade. Even after working a long shift, she was bursting with energy. The club girls swallowed her up in bare skinned embraces. Walking in sober while half my brothers were sloppy drunk and getting serviced made the edges of my lip kick up. I wasn't tempted, not with the memory of Jade still freshly imprinted on my mind.

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