Moon Goddess

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The concept of the Moon Goddess in werewolf mythology is indeed a fascinating and mystical element that adds depth to the lore. In some werewolf stories, the Moon Goddess is portrayed as the original creator of werewolves, often linked to a specific bloodline or lineage. She is also credited with the creation of mates, emphasizing the idea that werewolves are destined to find their soulmates.

The interpretation of the Moon Goddess can vary from one story to another, and different authors may offer their unique take on her character and significance. However, in the context of each individual werewolf world or narrative, there may be a single "true" interpretation that serves as the canonical representation of the Moon Goddess for that particular story.

This mystical figure adds a sense of mythology and destiny to the werewolf universe, and her presence often influences the behavior, rituals, and beliefs of werewolves within the story. Whether she is seen as a benevolent protector or a deity with her own agenda, the Moon Goddess remains a central and intriguing aspect of werewolf mythology in various works of fiction.

***I did not own those pictures. I use Pinterest to get them.***

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