Do Werewolves Age?

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The concept of aging among werewolves is an intriguing aspect of werewolf lore and can vary depending on the specific mythos or narrative. Here's a breakdown of the aging process among werewolves based on the information provided:

**1. Werewolves Do Age:** Contrary to the idea that werewolves are ageless, they do age naturally, like humans. This means that they will go through the typical stages of life, from childhood to adulthood and into old age.

**2. Influence of Shifting:** The rate at which a werewolf ages can be influenced by their use of shape-shifting abilities. According to the information provided, if a werewolf continues to shift regularly, they may not visibly age. This suggests that the act of shifting somehow slows down or suspends the aging process.

**3. Choice in Aging:** Werewolves have some agency in their aging process. By choosing to continue shifting, they can effectively remain at a certain age for an extended period, similar to the portrayal of werewolves in Stephenie Meyer's books. In this context, a werewolf can decide to stop shifting and allow the natural aging process to resume.

**4. Uncertainty of Aging Onset:** It's not clear when the aging process begins for a werewolf after they cease shifting. It seems to depend on their ability to control their transformations and their sustained periods of not shifting.

**5. Variability in Longevity:** In some werewolf folklore, there are tales of werewolves living for countless years. However, such long lifespans are typically attributed to a select few individuals, and they remain rare exceptions.

**6. Mystery Surrounding Werewolves:** The true nature of werewolves and the intricacies of their aging process remain shrouded in mystery, and it's unlikely that a definitive answer will ever be found.

In summary, werewolves in many mythologies do age like humans, but they have the unique ability to influence the pace of their aging through their use of shape-shifting. This allows them to appear youthful for extended periods if they choose to continue shifting. However, once they stop shifting, their natural aging process will resume, though the timing and details of this transition remain uncertain and subject to interpretation in different werewolf narratives.

***I did not own those pictures. I use Pinterest to get them.***

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