Chapter XXV

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  "Remind me who's fault this is?" I glanced to my side at red head who avoided my gaze. We'd currently been hung up by some electric chain "Ah yes, you said this would be a great place to stop for supplies, but you couldn't help yourself from wandering"

  "I was actually looking for something for you if you must know" he mutter "And it wasn't me to started the argument, if you had just kept your mouth shut, I would have got what I wanted and we'd be back on the Mantis" I rolled my eyes, there is no point posting blame right now.

  "Are you done?" A man walked in "Are you both done bickering? Your starting to disturb my friends" he had a strange creature on his shoulder that hissed at us, I scowled "Please why can't we just a civil conversation without all the hostility, yes?"

  "Who are you and what do you want?" Cal questioned, the man smiled at him. I'd never seen his species before. He had three horns sticking out the sides of his cheeks,  his skin a light brownish colour and wrinkly, with thick braids of hair. 

  "Ah you've never heard of me, my name is Hondo" he took a bow "Now for my questions, who are you and where did you find such a magnificent weapon? Jedi are extinct, surely you can not be one of them, hmm?" he eye formed slits and his smile darkened. I looked over at, Cal, this guy wasn't as friendly as he sounded.

  "My name is, Cal Kestis, I found it in an old ship wreck when I worked as a scrapper" I was relieved, he also felt this man was not to trust "Look we mean no harm to you we just want to return to out ship and we will leave"

  "Now now, Cal Kessstiss" he hissed "I am sure you and your lady friend are tired from your travels, how about we release you from these binds and you come and join me and my friends for some sustenance eh?" he outstretched his hands "Unless you have been lying to me and you are jedi, then this will not end well for you, but it will end very well for me" he rubbed his fingers together, greed Nn his mind.

  "I am not a jedi, I found that thing on a broken ship, that is my truth" Cal spoke in a calm tone the mans smile became sinister, I didn't trust this. "We just need to return to out ship then we will leave and you won't see us again"

  "No" he spoke "First we must see what the little guy has to say" myself and Cal looked at each other in confusion until the door opened and they brought in BD. Cal struggled against his restraints "Now now, Kestis, I am not a barbaric man" he announced "I will not harm your droid, I just want to know what is is you have been up to" he snapped his fingers and another man walked in "I want any information from it that can tell me who these people really are, tamper with its memory" the other man then attached BD to a machine, causing him to shake slightly. "This could all be a little quicker if you didn't lie to me" he accused pointing a finger Cal.

  "I am not lying, just let us go" The man waved him off, staring down as BDs hologram showed maps of different planets we'd been on and then a message from Cordova talking about the holocron and the jedi order.

  "Well well well, what have we here? A message from a jedi hmm?" he spun on the spot "So you did lie to me" Cal shook his head "What lie are you going to say now, you also found the droid with the ship where you found this?" he fiddled with the weapon in hand "No this will not do, I can not have liars as friends, but you will gain me a large sum if I hand you over to the empire"

  "You don't want to do that, they won't pay your for me they will kill you and everyone here" Hondo raised his hand, gesturing for the man to leave. He took BD with him, who made a few beep noises as he was taken away.

  "You listen here, Kestis" he placed his hands behind his back "And you" he looked me "If you are jedi too then double the price, if not then I will sell you as slave. I have dealt with many sith and jedi in my time, I have actually had a few here in my sells before the big battle thing. I will have my money for you and unfortunately we can not come to any agreement here and so I must give you my best"

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