Chapter VI

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"Stay where you are" Cal ordered as he attacked a giant spider-like creature. We had only been walking 5 minutes until it ambushed us. I stood on the platform as, Cal, sliced at the creature with his weapon. It charged at him and laughed balls of acid in its wake, but Cal, dodged the attacks. Stunning the creature, Cal, jumped on top of its back and stabbed through it in one swift movement. He re emerged next to me, not even broken a sweat during the combat "Alright, lets keep going, you sure your okay? There will probably be more of them"

"I'll be fine, especially now I've got this" I span the weapon I had found, the piece of metal in my hand was long with spikes at the top. Cal, had told it was an electrostaff, however one end had been damaged and broken off. Though using my energy I was able to send tome electric currents to the top of it deeming it useful. We ventured upwards through the abandoned building until finding an elevator. BD was able to make it work, it began to move. "So" I began, breaking the silence on out slow decent "What's your story?"

  He shrugged and sat next to me "Not much to say really, I was a padawan when the clones turned against us. The jedi were wiped out and ended up working on a scrap yard" his expression saddened "My master was killed and so was the rest of the people I cared about, my only friend at the scrap yard was killed protecting me" I placed my hand on his arm in an attempt to comfort.

"Believe me when I say I know how you feel" his eyes fell on me "I only ended up on that planet after a war broke out on my planet, my father forced me to leave. As I left I could see everyone fleeing to the forest to escape, but the fire engulfed everything" I sighed "It seems we're both alike" our eyes met and neither of us looked away. It felt some what comforting to look into his eyes, they reminded me of my mothers. Such a calming green, if I looked any longer I would be lost in them, but still neither of us looked away. Perhaps he thought the same when he looked into my eyes. The sudden jolt made us jump up, he cleared his throat and moved to the open door. I stood for a second slightly a dazed before swiftly following him out.


"Stay behind them boxes" once again, Cal was in combat with two people, one who he managed to push away and another shooting him. He was too preoccupied with one to notice the other closing in. Without second thought, I ran at the man with my staff and pushed him back. I charged at me, but I was quicker and moved to the side. Flipping backward I shocked him with the end of my weapon and fell to the ground unconscious. "Nice work" Cal, praised as we moved forward. "Marri are you okay?" he spoke to a woman on the end of his comm, the woman I presumed we was on our way to meet "I'll be there as soon as I can" We'd moved out of the metal building and into the dense forest "Be careful, I'm not sure what creatures were going to come across here" as he said that two giant flying bugs and a slug creature appeared, he attacked the bugs and I stabbed at the slug. It died easy enough, its a shame we had to kill them, its not their fault we've come into their domain.

"Ugh, that thing got slim on me" I groaned earning a laugh from the red head. After jumping, climbing and sliding through the jungle we came across the clones I had been told about. Cal, had put himself in front of me and used his blade to deflect the attacks. One at a time they each attempted to take on the jedi and each one was defeated. "So these clones are just copies of one person?" Cal nodded in response. We slide down a dirt track and came across more of them, one of them wearing full black uniform. His weapon was stronger and shot stronger blast. I was shoved behind a wall as the battle began. Soon enough I was called from my hiding spot. BD opened another door and this time the platforms were quiet a far distance "Cal, I don't think I'll be able to jump that far"

"Wait here" It come to my attention that I hadn't been sent back yet, I didn't want to question his choice to keep me with him as he may have forgotten. Even if I was to go back now, it was far walk alone. I hadn't even noticed him scale the wall and land on the next platform, lower down from the one I was on. "Do you trust me?" I raised a brow, I already knew where this was going "Your going to need to jump to me" as I suspected. I glanced over the platform as the far drop below and gave him a look "I will catch you, I promise" Taking a deep breath I took a few steps back, I must be mad - I jumped and timed seemed to stop. I was floating, above a deathly drop, my body felt lighter than ever. Soon enough my feet touch ground and  two hand reached out to steady me as time quickly returned. "Are you okay?"

I stumbled backwards slightly "Yeah I'm okay" I assured "That was fun" finally letting go of me he laughed "Why are you laughing at me?" he'd already walked away, but I was hot on his trail until noticing another platform below. He was over it quickly and nodded for me to jump. Back into the timeless feeling, then onto land. My stomach feeling a little queasy second time around.

"Not so fun anymore?" he noticed my expression, I shook my head "Your the first person to describe it as fun" I glanced at him, catching an amused expression on his face before we continued on through the abandoned structure.


After battling, when Cal, battling the Clone in the jungles tree we made it to a zipline. "Hold on to me" as instructed I put my arms around his shoulder. Using BD, we zipped down the long line, the few escapee strands on hair whipping around my face. The line suddenly came to an end and we fell into the murky water below. I had no time to release a yelp when I crashed into the water. Gasping for breath as I broke the surface I glare over at the smirking boy before me. "Sorry, forgot to warn you" my response was to splash some water his way as we swam the lake. He was pretty fast, but using some of my energy I dispersed underneath the water. I saw his figure turn around above me as I resurfaced before him. "Damn it, Aeryn, I thought you had drowned" he lightly scolded.

"Can't get rid of me that easily" I joked "Want a race" he didn't respond, he was already off. Cheat. I caught up to him quick enough, I could see in his eyes, he was competitive, but so was I. I dove under and gained more speed, but he was close behind. Seeing our finishing point I re emerged only to be over taken last minute. Cal, had saved up all his energy, using a a blast of force to push him up the bank and onto his feet. "I see someone likes to win" I accepted his hand and he pulled me to my feet.

"I don't know what your talking about, I won fair and square" he shrugged, but the gleam of pride in his victory shone through. The next part of our journey consisted of lots of climbing and killing creature, myself hiding whilst he killed the clones and more climbing, until we finally neared out destination. "That's where we're suppose to meet, Tarful" he pointed up to a platform in the trees "Hold onto me, were going to need to swing there" I looked at the distance, with my full strength I would have no problem with the distance, but to reduce risk of a fall, I trusted in him instead. He crouched slightly so I could ease myself onto his back, wrapping my arms around his shoulders and my legs around his waist. He took off, jumping on a bouncy plant and using the force to drag over a vine. I prayed it could carry both out weight. He dropped onto the platform where a group of people waited for his arrival. I climbed off his back quickly and introduced myself to them.

The conversation consisted of finding some zeffo artifact to which they believed could be found at the top of a origin tree. She handed us both a breather, claiming we could climb the trees root system which is mostly under water. He thanked her for the equipment and wished them luck in their fight. Before we left he turned to me and offered for me to remain with them whilst he continued his search. I'd refused of course and we marched on to our next destination - the Origin Tree.


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