Chapter XXVII

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I hadn't moved since I parted from, Cal. My body was so numb and weak, I couldn't muster up the strength to stand. That was until two troopers walked in and yanked me to me feet, unlocking the restraints around my wrist. One trooper grasping each of my arms and dragging me out of the room and down the hall. I was too weak to walk so my feet dragged across the ground, until we entered another room and I was shoved into a chair and tied down once again. The room was dark, I thought I was alone until I heard it. The breaths that haunted my nightmares. He stood before me, emerging from the shadows, he towered over me like a dark cloud and I tried my best to hide my fear. He made no attempt to speak, causing my blood to run cold.

"What do you want?" I stuttered, trying my best to steady my breathing "If your going to kill me get it over with, because I will tell you nothing" he didn't speak, he stared at me through his mask. His breathing the only sound over my heart beating loudly against my chest. It was hard to imagine this man was once a jedi like, Cal. Cal was so kind hearted and only does what's best for other, he was selfless. Whereas this man was selfish and cruel, killing anyone who gets in his way.

"Your will is strong young one" he finally spoke "But I need answers and I want them now" he demanded "I don't care what I have to do to get them and when I am done I will grant you the mercy of killing you quickly as long as you comply" I remained silent "Resistance is futile, I will have my answers. He circled me like he was trying to figure me out or maybe his was trying to intimidate me, but once he stopped he raised his hand "You will tell me what species you?" I refused, I'd heard about these mind tricks "You will tell me what species you are" he spoke again and this time I felt a force inside my mind and before I knew it I had answered his question. "Anthorian?" he mused "I thought they were a myth, where is your planet?" I grinded my teeth in an attempt to resist his mind games "Where is you planet?"

"Please" I begged, thrashing against the restraints "Please they're my family, they've done nothing to you" he asked his question again "You don't need them" I begged "I wield more power then my people put together, don't hurt them you have me" he stopped and questioned what I meant. I caught my breath "Not everyone has the gift I have, but those who do are not as powerful as me, I am special, I was destined to bring a new beginning for my home. Therefore, I was born with my power than anyone of my kind. I will do anything if you leave them alone" I'd do anything for my people, it was my duty to protect them, but the sacrifice I had to make for them broke my heart.

He looked down at me for a while, considering my words. The room remained quiet apart from his loud breathing. I feared the task he would put me up to if he did accept my offer, but my people always came first. I'd already lost them once. "Your connection to the jedi is strong" he spoke "You must choose wisely, choose what is worth saving. For this world is about sacrifices" I lump became lodge in my throat as he spoke "Kill the jedi, Cal Kestis" I felt the colour drain from my face "Prove your allegiance to me and your planet will remain safe. Fail and I will kill you all"


We'd located the ship she was being kept on. "Are you sure it's this one, kid?" Greez questioned as we approached. I closed my eyes and reached out, I could feel her energy, she was definitely on this one, I nodded. "Alright then, here we go" Merrin had helped put a cloak over the ship so we won't be found as we connected to a door on the side of the ship. "Good luck in there" Greez put a hand on my shoulder "Bring back our water spirit" I nodded with a small smile and prepared myself for boarding the ship.

"He's in there" Cere approached me "You need to be prepared for anything" I nodded and took the com from her and inserted it into my ear "You contact me if you need back up, come back of alive" I glanced over my shoulder with a raised brow "I mean it, Cal, no silly business. You grab her and you bring her back"

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