Chapter IX

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"Cordova believed the key to the vault is on Dathomir" Cal announced as we arrived on the ship "Things are bad down there. Empire is everywhere" he replied to Greez' question on the wookie. They all sat down at the dinning room table and I scooted next to, Cere who asked about the inquisitors "Well, Trilla" he paused "The second sister" I felt tension between Cere and Cal, but ignored it "Is gone for now, but she's still chasing us" he took a sip of water out of a canister "I defeated the Ninth sister" he announced proudly. They both nodded at him proudly as we began to eats.

Cere, continued to look at him, she was hesitant, but began "Cal, when I was captured by the Empire - I resisted. I swore to myself that I would never die before I would talk" Cal put his fork down and stared at his plate "Dark shadows came. And he was worse than any...nightmare I could have imagined. And still I fought" he lent back in his chair and looked away "And I gave them Trilla. And I know there's nothing I can do to make that right, but, Cal there's still a chance we can save the others on the holocron"

"Okay look" he finally spoke "The Ninth sister said something about becoming an Inquisitor, like, like its inevitable. But you went through the same thing she did and you didn't join them" she tried to protest "It's okay, Cere. We'll find Cordova's holocron" he rose from his seat and left the room. The tension in the room was thick so I too rose from my seat and left to return to my own room, but stopped. I could see, Cal standing at the end of the ship at a table.
I was going to approach, but turned on my heals "How's your throat" he peered over his shoulder at me, I shrugged, it just felt slightly sore now, but was healing quick. "Were going to Dathomir next, I want you to stay here" I went to protest "Like I said, your ability to fight needs work" I nodded "How's your arm looking?" I took of the makeshift bandage to a reveal a full healed arm "That's unbelievable" he looked flabbergasted.

"I'm a healer, I heal fast" I smirked, "Doesn't heal all scars though" I reveal a large scar on my abdomen "That was from the day my home went up in flame. The leader of the attackers came for me, he was able to stab me before my father saved my life and got me to the surviving ship" I looked up, he was peering down at me, but only listened to my story. I cleared by my throat "Well, I passed out as I arrived on the first planet I found. I woke up in a cell the following day and forced to fight the next"  I broke the eye contact "Scars are what make us who we are" he nodded "So what's up with you and Cere?"

He sighed and turned away, leaning his hands against the side of the table "Cere, betrayed her padawan to the empire. That's, Trilla, who we was speaking about in there" he motioned to the kitchen "Trilla, is who she is because of what she did, but finding the holocron is too important right now" he was trying to push away his emotions, but he felt strongly about, Ceres mistakes. He began fiddling with his lightsaber out of frustration. I placed my hand on his shoulder and he tensed.

"Like I said, some scars can't heal" he didn't look back "I don't know what this shadow is she speaks of, but if he's as terrifying as she says then maybe she has no other option. Her sacrifice, Trilla's, sacrifice saved the lives of all these children your trying to protect" his head tilted slightly "The universe is cruel, Cal, and I've only just began to learn this. I've come from a very sheltered life, but I have come to learn that many are only out for themselves and will do what it takes to get what they want. If it wasn't, Trilla, it would have been someone else. You can't save everyone no matter how much your try -" I immediately thought of my mother "Trust me, I learnt that long before I left home" I looked at him as he turned to face me "Family is what makes us strong, don't forget that and don't let it go"


"This place was once home to a powerful cabal of witches known as the Nightsister" Cere told me once I was next to her. We'd arrived at Dathomir, from the looks of the desolate red planet, every one was gone "They were a selfish group who used their powers to focus on deception and illusion. They were wiped out long ago. Now look at it, nothing but ruins of what use to be" she sighed, I looked at the eerie red world of nothing before me. "If your not a jedi then what are you?" She suddenly asked.

I shrugged absentmindedly "I'm just the last of my people" she nodded "I'm not a witch if that's what your thinking" she gave me a side look "Unlike them, myself and my family served only to protect and heal, never harm or kill. Unlike others who lived on my planet" I trailed off not wanting to say anymore. She didn't push any further as Cal appeared behind us both, the air between the two suddenly feeling awkward. I sat at the bottom of the ramp allowing them space to talk. Not long after, Cere manuvered passed me and back inside the ship,

"I wish you'd let me come with you, I don't know what to do with myself now" he chucked and looked over his shoulder at me. I emerged next to him and looked at the map full of pathways and tunnels and places not yet explore. "I can help you, you know. I can heal you and give you extra strength if needed" the map disappeared and he moved to face me. Face to face he was a good few inches taller than me, practically towering over my small frame.

"Save that energy for yourself, I shouldn't be long" He sprinted off the rock to the other side and disappeared out of view. The temptation to follow was strong, but he was right this was way out of my expertise. All I could do now was sit and wait.


"Focus, focus, Aeryn. You need to focus all your energy on what needs to be done" he spoke calmly, as my hands lay on top of the wound of an injured creature "Feel it's pain, feel for it's fear and help it relax" with closed eyes I listened to instruction, brow furrowed as I gasped. The pain of the creature flowed through my blood "Push it away, don't let it absorb you" with a grunt the creatures injury began to close "That's it"

"It's hurts" I groaned, the creature let out a slight yelp. I was told to concentrate, to push away the feeling and ignore it. The pain would pass soon enough and finally I had completed the task. Upon healing the creature to stood to it feet and leapt off. I slumped against a tree, panting, sweat dripping down my face.

"It'll get easier" I felt a hand on my shoulder "You did really well, not many your age can do what you can do, Aeryn. One day you'll be able to heal more than just the animals, you are destined for something great"

I peered up at the proud man before me "Thank you, father"


A/N - Heyo, thanks for all reading, sorry for a short chapter, but I will be getting the next one ready and up sooner! I hope your all enjoying, I have big ideas for future chapters 😊


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