Chapter XI

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"How did you even find me?" after the nightsister departed he was immediately questioning me. "I told you to wait by the ship, its not safe out here" he scratched the back of his neck and paced back and forth a few steps, waiting for my response.

"I got bored, I didn't go far and then that witch told me you was in trouble so I thought the nicest thing to do since you save my life the other day is if I returned the favour. And look I just saved you from being crushed by a giant rock and help with that mad man. I'm not fragile, I can take care of myself" I crossed my arms and tapped my foot on the ground impatiently, mirroring what my mother use to do to me "A thank you would be nice"

"Look I am grateful for what you did back there, but there is a reason why the force brought me to you and until we figure that out I need you to trust me and listen to me" he sighed, he was exhausted I could tell and he tells me rest. "Once we've left Dathomir I will teach you what I know then you can join me on missions. Before that happens we need to build trust so when we do go out there we know we have each others back, do you understand me?"

"I understand, and I will go back now, but this force as you call it, it pulled me to you. That is how I found you" his brows furrowed, but he didn't speak "Before I go let me just give you some energy okay?" he sighed, but nodded, visibly drained. I took his hands in mind and allowed my power and energy to shift into him. He tensed, but after awhile his shoulder relaxed and he looked refreshed.

"Thank you" I gave a small nod, consequently I would feel drained for a little while "Let me know when you get back to the ship" with that he turned around and disappeared out of sight. I released a breath and slid down on to my knees, I still hadn't gained all my strength since I was rescued. Maybe, Cal, was right and I do need the rest.

"Your tired" The nightsister appeared before me "You gave him your energy, here you need your strength if your going to make it back to the ship" I glanced up at her and she passed me some unknown fruit "If I wanted to kill you, it would not be this way" I graciously took it from her and bit into it, it was sweet but has slight bitter ting to it. "You wasn't here last time, why are you here now? Why are you helping him?"

"He rescued me from my captors" I replied "I was a slaved fighter for five years, he found me and saved me from that life. I owe him and his crew mates everything" The fruit surprisingly helped restore my energy, not fully, but enough for me to stand up and take in the surrounding and possible ways to leave.

"Come, I'll show you an easy way back to the ship" she led me over to some fallen rock, to which she moved effortlessly with her magic "So your powers, they can heal and cause harm?" she mused and we slipped through the small opening and into a corridor. "But they also cause you a negative effect in the process yes?"

"Not always" I dismissed "I've not fully rested, my body is still weak and tired. If giving someone a large amount of my power at one it causes pain into their bodies, its like my blood moulds into theirs" I explained "I only learnt this when I was put in the ring, but it can cause substantial amount of damage inside someone's body. Many who I fought suffered from major head aches or body spasms until I healed them of it" it was a terrifying moment, the first time I caused someone physical pain because of my powers, I wasn't aware I could do such a thing. It only happened, because I used it to push my opponent back against the wall and then she started to cry out. I was 15 then and her cries gave me nightmare many weeks afterwards.

"It is interesting, I have never learnt of someone with your abilities" she hummed as we neared the ship "My sisters knew how to heal other, but never to this extent, even causing pain to someone we could never handle such" we arrived on the edge across from the ship "You keep that power safe, my sisters were slaughtered because what we could do"

"Thanks for the fruit and showing me back"  I turned to face her , but she was no where to be seen. With the strength I had restored I leaped over to the other side, where the ship sat, and reached the bottom of the hatch. I retook my seat and pressed on the com "Hey Cal I'm back at the ship"


I had gone straight to me room once I'd boarded the ship. Immediately falling into a deep slumber. Though when I woke I wasn't on the ship anymore, no, the bed was large, the room was bigger, the windows open letting in the light and warm breeze. My hair was sprawled around me, all combed and maintained, and I wearing a soft dress in a light blue shade. Something was wrong, I was home, in my bedroom. Everything the same as it was when I left it, right down to the vase of flower to me right. My grand canopy sat undisturbed above my head and my friend slept soundly next to me. This couldn't be right at all.

"Good morning, Aeryn" Irona strolled in with a tray of food and sat it down in front of me. She then fumbled around in the wardrobe in search of todays attire, just like she did everyday. Finally satisfied with her choice she brought it out for me to approve. "This one today, yes?" I recognised it, it was the dress I had worn for 5 years. Which means that today is that day that-

"Irona, we need to speak to the King immediately, there is going to be an attack on the village" she shrugged me off and assured me it was just a bad dream I had. I stormed over to her with enough force that the dress fell out of her hands "Irona, please we must see him right now, we can not waste a moment longer" I charged for the door, but when I opened it I emerged into the corridor of the ship. I turned back to Irona, but she was gone and replaced with the room on the ship. I walked down the corridor to the main room, but it was desolated. I glanced out of the window, we had landed on my planet. Exiting the ship without hesitation I found my home in ruins like expected. My once beautiful home now nothing, but broken rubble of nothing.




My body jolted upward, waking me from my sleep. It was just a dream, it was just a dream, but it felt real. I groaned and stood from the bed and moved to the door. I couldn't tell if I was still dreaming or not. I entered the corridor, instead of going to the main area, I walked the opposite direction. Upon entering the area I noticed a small unmade bed and a work station at the very end. The back of the ship could be viewed through the large window. Venturing forward, I nearly yelped upon seeing, Cal on the floor. His legs were crosses and eyes closed, seemingly asleep sat up. I turned to leave, not wanting to disturb what every he was doing.

"Sit down" I glanced down, he didn't open his eyes, I sat across from him and waited. "Close your eyes, breath in slowly through your nose and out your mouth" I did as instructed, I could hear my breath match his and we sat. I don't know how long we sat there for, but it was peaceful. "I could hear you" he finally spoke "Was it a nightmare?" I opened my eyes and look at him, his green eyes peered back at me. I shrugged "After order 66, where all the jedi were wiped out and the dark side took over. I suffered from nightmare, every night without fail, and then I started to mediate like this every night and they stop. Night mare are created due to subconscious thoughts in the back of your mind, so if you can ease them thoughts then the nightmares will stop"

"It would be nice to have a good night sleep" he chuckled and nodded before raising to his feet. "Did you get what you came to Dathomir for?" he presented a metal ball of the work station, looking rather happy "Ooooo what is it?"

"Its an astrium, it'll open the vault on Zeffo and with this we get the holocrone that'll show us the children of the force across the galaxy"


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