Chapter XIV

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{The Shadow}

   Plummeting into the dark waters I swam quickly in the direction I felt the force pulling me, using some of my powers I moved faster to a large structure floating above an endless pool of hot lava. I searched for a way in and found a hatch allowing me to surface only to find a pile of dead troopers lying on the platform before me.

"Looks like, Cal has been here" I mused and hoisted myself out of the water. Following the trial of dismantled droids and dead troopers I made my decent into the darkened halls. The air was cold and a shiver went up my spins, I felt a heaviness on my shoulders, a darkness. What could it mean? I prayed I wouldn't need to find out. Keeping my guard up I rounded a corner only to have a gun pointed at my head.

  "Your not suppose to be here, put your hands up" A trooper ordered, but before he could shoot I pushed the gun upwards and took a hold of his arms, releasing a large amount of power causing him to cry out and fall to the ground unconscious. I glanced down at my hands and smiled, I finally felt strong again. Though my victory was shortly lived as my blood ran cold, the darkness was heavier than ever. Within the small dark room, heavy breathing was the first thing I heard.

  "Your powers are strong" I turned my head only slightly to come to witness the thing I believed was the shadow, Cere warned us about. A man in all black suit and cape stood only a mere few steps from me "Your no jedi, so what are you?"

  "I am none of your concern" I mustered up all my strength to face him. His head turned slightly like he was trying to figure me out "But I won't be going down without a fight" my arms glowed slightly, attempting to intimidate the person before me. He took step closer and without thinking I moved back instinctively.

  "I can feel your fear little one. Join me and you will come to no harm" He offered, I shook my head "Very well then" his red blade ignited as he approached. I was starting to have regrets and doubts of my abilities all of a sudden the spiders on Dathomir didn't sound too bad. Perhaps attempting to fight was a bad idea, I glanced at the door behind and made a run for it. He didn't chase, but he didn't stop following either. I hit the button the door, but it failed to close and he was growing nearer.

  "Close, damn it!" I sent a small blast of energy his way to try and slow him down, he grunted at the sudden impact and stopped. I could feel his eyes burrowing into mine, he seemed slightly stunned, but that may have been my imagination. However, after a moment he began to approach once again, but this time instead of focusing on him I grabbed a lone blaster and shot the door causing it to final close. "Yes!" my celebration was cut short again as the blade was pushed into the door and begin to slice a hole in it "My que to run" I dashed down the hall and as far away from him as possible.


  Once I'd escaped the darkness, I found more dead troopers, though these ones were fresh meaning I wasn't far now. Though the waving heaviness was closing in, he wasn't far behind and I only hoped, Cal and Cere had gotten what they came for so we could leave before his arrival. I had to warn them which wouldn't be long now as I stopped at an open door. The room before me was large with windows all around to show the interior of the structure. The atmosphere of the room was suffocating and gloomy. However, I could see my friends and another woman to which I presume was, Trilla. Cal, had a box in his hand, hopfully that was the holocron.

  "Cal" I called out and dashed over to the trio. He gave me the most shocked and annoyed look I have ever seen. Once again resembling the look my mother always gave me when I was found doing things I shouldn't have "No time for a lecture, we need to go - Now! Like right now" I said frantically, but the heaviness was closer than ever and I felt the hairs raise on my neck.

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