Chapter XVII

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  My head was spinning like it had been hit against a wall, the room around me spun as I attempted to open my eyes slowly with a groan. I felt weaker than I had when I was rescued only a few weeks ago. I never knew I had so much power, enough power to wield the ocean, like I had to when defending myself and, Cal from that man. I wasn't even sure whether to call him a man or not, was he a machine?

"Cal?" My vision focused upon the orange haired boy sat leaning against the bed. He was silent seemly asleep, so I reached out and stroked it soft locks, he soon stirred and peered over at me. It was good to see he was alright and we was safely back on the Mantis again.

"Hey your awake" he placed himself on the edge of the bed "How you feeling, you've been out for a few hours" he was worried, I recognised that tone. He was still wearing the clothes he wore for the mission, I wondered how long he'd been sat by my bed side.

"My body is weak" I said with a hoarse voice, he reached over for a glass of water and helped me sit slightly to drink "Thanks" I smiled "So did you open the holocron?" I didn't know much of it, only that it showed the locations of the children who would become the next jedi. My guesses are if we'd failed they would all be dead by now.

He shook his head "You helped us retrieve it, it only seemed fair to wait and do it all together" he shrugged, I made an attempt to get up, he placed a hand gently on my shoulder "You should rest, the holocron can wait"

"I'm okay" I brushed his hand off my shoulder and pushed my self up with as much strength as I could muster up and then a sudden thought hit me "Wait - are you okay?! I saw him push your saber into your side"

  "I'm completely fine, I've had worse wounds" he lifted up his shift to show the slight cut under a bandage, only a small wound "Nothing in comparison to what he did to you" he pointed out and that's when I noticed a bandaged wrapped around my torso. I raised a questioning brow, I couldn't remember being hit "He managed to slice you when you broke the water in before we got out. You lost a lot of blood and passed out" he explained "Here, let me help you to the other, we can open the holocron there. If your feeling up to it?" I nodded and he wrapped his arm around my waited and allowed me to place all my weight into him so he could assist me to the living room.

  "Well look who's finally awake" Greez cheered as we entered "Our little water spirit, how you doing kiddo" he was busy in the kitchen creating what smelt like an amazing meal for us all. It seemed he had many on the go, a celebratory buffet I presumed. I shrugged slightly "Well nothing my good cooking skills won't fix"

  Cal led me to the sofa where the other two females sat and helped me sit beside them. "If it wasn't for, Merrin, we would have all drowned in those water" Cal told me to which I thanked her and she smiled with a nod. That must have been the green I had seen before I'd passed out. Cal stood beside me and picked up the small box on the table before us as we all gathered around in wait. Once in his hand the box began to break apart and a glow evolved, it was amazing, but everyone began to worry about the children's safety and their future "Their destiny should be trusted to the force" Cal spoke, he lighted his blade and destroyed the holocron "So where to now?"

  "First we celebrate" Greez said "Then I say we go on a holiday, now here me out, here me out" He waved his hands above his head to get everyone's attention "I was thinking a nice warm planet, with a beach, good food, good drinks and relaxation" he seemed to have wondered off into his fantasy, completely at peace with the world in his head "But for now, lets all enjoy me exquisite food and go from there, anywhere without danger and shooting and explosions" He wandered backed into the kitchen.

  "You seem to forget that the empire wont take a vacation" Cal glanced over at him "They will keep harming others and we need to be there to stop them" Greez sighed deeply from the kitchen, his idea tarnished into nothing, but a dream. "We need to stay focused and being one step ahead of them" Cere and Merrin nodded in agreeance as Greez tried to argue it's good to take time off once in a while.

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