Chapter III

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As predicted Tren didn't beat Carion. He sustained a few injuries to his ribs and leg; he wouldn't be fit to fight again today. But did anyone care? No. "Tren maybe I can finish your fights" he grunted as he flopped down on a chair holding his injured side. He shook his head at my suggest.

"No kid, I'll be alright" he refused "just need a minute is all" he spoke through clenched teeth. I could tell he was struggling. His next fight was coming up fast and he showed no signs of recover. I began to stand at the sound of the bell, his fight was next "Hey, sit down I can do this" he grunted as he stood "You don't need to do this for me"

"Well try and stop me" Jumping to my feet I went to the opening and entered the arena. This had never been done before so I have no idea what the repercussion is for taking someone else's place. I could hear people muttering in the crowd out of confusion of a girl being in the place of a scaly creature. Nevertheless, the crowd began to cheer as my opponent entered too and the bell rang signalling the fight had begun.

I wasn't even aware who my opponent was until I looked to the side to see the newbie. Well, this should be fun. "Let's see what you've got newbie" I called out we charge towards each other. I threw my arm out and he crossed his arms to dodge my attack. I swung my leg round and pushed him backwards, but he remained balanced. He then took the opportunity to leap over me, boy could he jump high, kicking the back of my knee and knocking me to the ground. He towered over me and I could see his face perfectly - and perfect he was. Fair skinned, chiselled jaw, beautify green eyes and of course red hair. He looked pretty young I estimate 18 maybe 19 years old. But behind those eyes I could sense a lot of anger and pain.

"I'm going to get you out of here but, you need to trust me" I raised a brow at him, he's stupid if he thinks he's going to get out here "Quick attack me so they don't get suspicious" he looked up at the crowd. I took the hint and kick him backward and flipped my self back onto to my feet. We continue to throw punches and kicks at one another, sending the crowd roaring with excitement. Suddenly, one of his hands gripped my arms and spun me around so I was pinned against his chest with my arms across mine "My name is Cal Kestis, I'm here to rescue you. My Crew is on their way, but I need to know your with me" I struggled against him.

"The arena has a force field around it to separate us from the crowd" I looked up at the barely visible dome "If your going to do this the barrier needs to go down, I'm also not leaving without my friend" I broke free of his grasp, kicking my leg out I knocked him off balance. I straddled his body and held my knife to his throat "If you can get me and Tren out of here then I'm with you" he nodded and we had a silent agreement. I stood up and held my hand out for him...


"What the hell was that?!" I glanced over at the boy next to me as half the arena went up in flames. The crowd was screaming, falling over one another get to safety it reminded me of -

"You need to get of here!"

"Father I cant leave you"

I could hear the people screaming, i could see the bodies of the dead amongst the rubble and fire. I remember feeling a lot of fear, it was eating away at my conscious. I was completely useless at this moment. I couldn't save them, I couldn't save them...

"Hey!" I was shook out of my memory and all I could see was the green of his eyes "We gotta go now" a ship flew over us, being chased by the cities battle ships "Greeze, buddy we need you to come and get us" I glanced around the arena as the doors to the rest of the opponents opened and they flooded in. Then the doors to the one thing you dread opening opened. Oh shi-

The fighters noticed and readied their weapons. It not like they could go back inside, they'd still have to fight. And since we had been abandoned by the boss and the guards were helping the people escape. It was now a fight for survival. Cal noticed too and took out his weapon - a light saber. A jedi? No time to question it as the first beast emerged a nexu, great. It charged at the fighters and began to attack, Carion ran towards it and leaped on its back, stabbing it repeatedly with his sword before it fell limp. Huh figures. Then the rest of then came charging out, the acklay, reek, nydak, ew a wyyyschokk, and for the love of god the rancor was all in the arena. I could feel everyones fear, it was not going to be a good day.

I dashed through the arena, griping the fur of the reek I launched myself onto its back as it attempted to buck me off "Oh calm down I'm just hitching a ride". I let my power seep through my arms and out my hands to create two blue strings of power. Connecting them together I tossed it into the reeks mouth and created reins. I pulled back on them and he stood on his back legs in disproval as I scanned the group to find my friend. I found he hiding behind some rocks as the, big giant ugly rancor smashed his fists next to him. I kicked the reeks side and sent him storming through the arena and straight into the rancors legs, the reeks horns cut right through it. Jumping off the beast I left them to fight, finding my friend.

"Tren" I exclaimed but stopped abruptly, he was dripping in blood. He had been stabbed by the rancor and was now bleeding out. I knelt beside him and placed my hand against his injury. His breath was hoarse, I knew he wasn't going to make it if I didn't do something. I allowed my energy to seep into his body to heal him the best I could. I felt a sudden pressure on my wrist and looked down at my friend. I knew what the idiot was about to say and I felt the tear flood my eyes.

"Kid, its not worth it. I'm old, I've lived my life. Now don't lose yours trying to save me" He cough, blood emerged from his mouth. I attempted to press my hand back onto his wounds. "Kid, listen to me. It has been an honour and a privilege knowing you and teaching you, but now its time to let go. Your new friend over there, the jedi, he can help you. You destined to be something big, I know it. Now go and discover your destiny. But don't forget me okay?"

"No, no! Tren I'm going to heal you and then we can get off this planet together. Please let me help you, I can do it" I begged, the tears streamed down my face before I could even stop them. He smiled up at me, patting my hand he, he "Tren! Tren, no no no" I put my hand to his wound and started to let my energy go into him, but it wasn't working, my friend was gone. I looked across the arena at all the other fallen. Keen and Carion were fighting together, Igor was about to be trampled by the nydak. But all I could feel was this emerging feeling of pain for my fallen friend. I was angry that I couldn't save him like I couldn't save my family.

The tears kept coming and the light, the energy flowing through me glowed brighter than it ever has in a long time. I was feeling enraged, the only other person who was in my life was gone. So I simply let go of it all. I scream and with that all my power and energy was released from my body causing the shock wave to knock everyone and everything over. Killing the creatures and knocking the fighters unconscious. All the rage I felt leaving my body.

"Hey, its going to be okay, stay with me" the blurred figure ran towards me. Orange and blue, the person from my nightmare. Huh what a coincidence. I found myself falling into the black abyss of unconsciousness, as my body was lifted off the ground and onto an unknown ship.


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