"You didn't leave her alone did you?" I ask anxiously.

"No they're all with her," He assures me, not taking his eyes off the road as he speeds down the street.

I sigh, thankful that Lucian actually had some sense today.

We make it to the hospital quickly, Lucian parking right in front of the entrance. We both climb out and speedily walk in whilst Lucian pulls out his phone and calls Harper.

"She says they're in room seventy and to hurry," He tells me after a sort phone call, a twinge of worry lacing his voice.

I storm through the hospital, making it to the room in record time. When I open the door I have to pause to take in what's in front of me.

Serena's crying hysterically, curled up on her side and withering in pain. Harper sits on the edge of the bed next to her, rubbing circles into her back while Tyler holds a vomit splattered bowl in front of her face.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't here," I apologise, rushing over to her bed. She doesn't acknowledge that I'm here, her eyes tightly clamped shut.

"What's happening?" I question urgently, my head snapping towards Harper.

"The doctor said that the treatment was extra aggressive today and that she'll be in some considerable pain for a while," Harper explains, looking down at Serena in worry.

My heart pangs with dread, seeing her in this much suffering being unbearable.

"Can you give us a minute," I ask, needing to be alone with her. They all nod understandingly, exiting the room.

I rush to the bathroom and grab a cold wet cloth, quickly returning back to her side. I climb in next to her on the bed and cradle her to my chest, dabbing the cold fabric onto her sweaty, overheated skin.

She seems to calm down ever so slightly in my hold, melting into my touch. The momentary calmness doesn't last long though, Serena letting out a wail of pain not even a minute later.

"Help," She splutters out in between sobs. "Okay okay," I repeat frantically, reaching over and slamming my hand into the call for help button.

I try to get up but she grips my shirt, not wanting me to leave.

I continue to hold her until a nurse comes rushing in. "What's the problem?" She asks rather stupidly, as if there isn't a person screaming in pain in here.

"She needs pain relief," I demand urgently. The nurse takes one look at Serena, nods and then scampers back out of the room.

I rock her in my arms, her body shaking as sobs violently rack through it.

The nurse returns five minutes later but I choose not to yell at her for taking so long, letting her work on Serena.

"I'll be giving her thirty milligrams of morphine," The nurse announces, pulling the liquid into a long syringe.

I just nod, not really caring what it is as long as it soothes her pain.

I shield Serena's eyes as the needle is stabbed into her arm, stroking her cheek with my thumb until it's done.

"It should take effect immediately," The nurse explains, packing up her stuff and exiting the room.

She wasn't lying. Serena's wails of pain quickly die down into sniffles until eventually she's content and sleepily yawning against me.

The morphine has not only eradicated the pain all together but has also made her extremely loopy.

"What are you smiling at?" I ask, amused as she looks up at me with a sleepy grin.

"I love you," She whispers, as if hiding a secret.

"Yeah?" I laugh at the effect this drug is already having on her. "Um-hum," She hums, nodding her head against my chest.

"Well I love you too," I tell her honestly, feeling her lean into me.

She doesn't reply so I bow my head to get a better look at her, realising she has completely passed out against me.

I lay there for over an hour, stroking her hair as I pray that this is the last session she ever has to do.

Eventually I manoeuvre myself from underneath her, careful not wake her as I climb to my feet. I tried to hold off for as long as possible but the hunger pangs from not eating all night were starting to become too uncomfortable.

I tuck her under the scratchy hospital sheets, feeling guilty that I hadn't prepared better and brought some comforts from home.

We usually leave the hospital straight after her session but with the state she's in I think we'll be here all day.

I do a last double take before slowly closing the door behind me, heading towards the canteen.

I do a last double take before slowly closing the door behind me, heading towards the canteen

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