Falling apart

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secretly talking to Pansy in broomsticks catching up have been for a couple of weeks "god iv missed you" she hugged me I hugged her back "everything still normal?" I asked her "ah well mattheo finding every slut out there hiding his feelings"-"Tom?" I walked out with her "yes?" he asked I looked over to Pansy "I promise I didn't know he was following" she said I rolled my eyes "someone gonna catch me up since when did you guys get in contact"-"shhhh" I interrupted he stopped "I won't tell" he said I rolled my eyes hiding my face as people walk passed I pulled him to a beer place and sat down "if anything happened I'll know a couple steps ahead before it happened stopping it..iv never lost touch with Pansy where's your brother he's gone missing" I asked him "thought he would of been with you?" me? seriously? "why the fuck would he be with me? no" I sat back confused "he could be.." pansy leads on looking at Tom "n-no my father wouldn't lie to me" secrets? "pansy if he's in danger because of your dumb ass didn't tell me something..." I lead on looking over to her "in the basement tied up you did get the punishments because of his actions but because your not there most times anymore..." pansy leads on "fucking hell anything else your hiding?" I asked her getting up Tom sat me back down "a lot, there's guards on edge because you've been quiet everyone's on edge" Tom whispered "so you want your brother to die?" I sat down he rolls his eyes "exactly dickhead" I don't give to shits even if that means revealing myself I put my hood back up
At riddle mansion I went in through back as the two idiots went through the front Tom signals I stepped back as the guard turned the corner I snapped his neck slowly placing him down then walked over to them "twisted..you are very twisted" pansy points at me I smiled "that's him" I point at the dude on the floor smiling she rolls her eyes "not what I meant" she whispers I know Tom went down first then I followed with Pansy behind I slowed down hearing footsteps running towards my direction I stepped out pulling out my wand "Protego" I created a shield blocking the alleyway locking eyes with mattheo I lowered my wand as he flew back and now he's unconscious brilliant "find Tom I'll take him back to hogwarts" I said to Pansy she nods then ran down the opposite alleyway I rushed to mattheo and appeared in the health wing
I lowered my hood sitting down as he's getting treated
hours later reading a book the doors slam open I looked up they all stopped but Pansy and Tom rushing over "your here?" Draco asked confused I rolled my eyes "wait you guys new?" Blaise asked theo and Lorenzo rushed over as they walked in then spotted me "stranger?" a soft quiet voice I looked over to the bed a grip on my hand mattheo hand "Venessa?" a louder whisper from him Tom and Pansy both looked at me I just stare at the weak body infront of my eyes incomprehensible as he's my protector not the other way around I suck it up and walked closer to him "am here" I said which came out whisper taking his hand into mine feeling him growing weaker shit "what is she doing?" Draco asked someone "she can sense heartbeats Jordan can slow there heartbeats or quicken them but he has no idea she's here" pansy explains "Mattheo listen to me am here with you open your eyes it's not a dream" I said probably not convincing but please work "Venessa" Jordan? I looked up he runs over "he's dying" I lift mattheos shirt a little showing Jordan the cut "who?" he asked "does it matter right now?" I asked him "yes because some people are irritating the spell if there powerful" he replied "his dad mattheo" I replied "both of us" he said "one of us won't survive" I shake my head moving back away "it worked before we csn do it again" he held his arms out "we got lucky..who knows if that's I'll happen again" i said mattheo starts coughing I looked over to him tom walked over "whatever is going on can it happen later my brother life is on the line" he asked I looked back at Jordan "oh so you wanna risk toms but not your own?" Jordan asked "it heightens the chances of one of dying Jordan" I said "wait what!" Tom butts in "if we did it alone it will risk one of us dying but another could lessen the chance of that because of a bother source" I glare at Jordan "fine whatever get this over with" Jordan held his wrist I did the same I hovered my hand over the cut "holy shit why are you a dickhead mattheo" Tom breathes in a Sharp breath seeing the cut Jordan placed his hand over mine after mattheos hand over Jordan's hand we start chanting forbidden magic or not it's saving someone's life

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